Wednesday, October 30, 2019
A Need for a Space Weapons Ban Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
A Need for a Space Weapons Ban - Research Paper Example The disadvantages of space weapons include aspects such as; an adversary can weaken a space weapon, compromising the weapon's capability to effectively stop an attack. Moreover, the locations of space-based weapons are easy to predict. Incidentally, a weapon ruined on orbit can leave a continual cloud of rubble, posing danger to other satellites. Finally, â€Å"many weapons are necessary to guarantee that one of the weapons is located correctly†. Space weapons can serve as a defensive way to protect humanity from extraterrestrial attacks. Space weapons may serve as the main tool for information governance, and consequently may be an important aspect to combat zone control in modern war. Space weapons facilitate an advantage in time and distance over an opponent, necessary for a country to attain and safeguard the inventiveness. This enables countries to deter a progressing potential enemy more efficiently, with minimal collateral damage and probably in the initial stages of the attack, as compared to the weapons in current use. In addition, â€Å" if the willingness for an operation of space weapons is minimal in other countries, the first country to start operation will have a short-term advantage of supremacy over the other countries†. Assets in space play a vital role in â€Å"day-to-day communications, information gathering, and distribution, and in navigation†. These aspects are vital to the economy, security and are in demand among populations world since they are used in everyday life. Adversaries having an ill motive of slowing down or taking over a country could target assets such as satellites. Destruction of these assets can gravely affect a country as it means that no communication, data gathering, or navigation services will be accessible to inhabitants of that particular country 4. Therefore, the capability to avert a hostile attack, either from the earth or from space, is necessary. The attainment of this would only be through using space weapons since they offer a long-range attack solution and a relatively quick response time.
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Yellow Wallpaper Essay Example for Free
The Yellow Wallpaper Essay The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, is a first person narrative of what appears to be a woman in the grip of madness. Written in the 19th century, it has been considered a gothic horror story, assuming that the narrator is not having hallucinations, but is actually seeing evil spirits. The more likely analysis is that the woman is suffering a nervous breakdown brought on by postpartum depression. The Yellow Wallpaper can be seen as a condemnation of the accepted psychotherapeutic treatment of the late 19th century, when what appears to be benign neglect was prescribed. The narrator’s husband, described as a physician, says that she is suffering from a ‘temporary nervous depressionâ€â€a slight hysterical tendency,’ (2). It is known that she is isolated from the rest of the household and confined to a room decorated in yellow wallpaper. This wallpaper quickly becomes an obsession. There is the possibility that the narrator is insane and none of what she tells the reader is true. Possibly she never had a baby and her insanity is more pronounced than is first assumed. There is no way to know for certain, but the author has let it be known that the work is vaguely autobiographical and she was not insane, but rather depressed. Her hallucinations are a further symptom of postpartum depression, though the reader is not told whether or not a physiological cause for her behavior has been ruled out. Her condition worsens. Her dissociative behavior and cognitive dysfunction, as she walks the room in an endless loop, failing to recognize her husband on the floor, seems evident. Her delusion of being trapped in the yellow wallpaper is noteworthy (15). It is difficult to evaluate a work of fiction when the author is deliberately vague, but the available evidence points to what may be a hormonal imbalance, leading to postpartum depression, hallucinations, cognitive dysfunction, delusions and madness. Bibliography Gilman, C. , 1989, The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Writings, New York: Bantum Books
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Energy Bars: An Athletes Friend or Foe :: Health Nutrition Athletics Sports Papers
I. What are "energy bars"? Definition and Contents: An energy bar is a convenient, fortified snack-food containing a blend of simple and complex carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, and vitamins and minerals. The primary source of protein in energy bars usually comes from milk and the fiber comes from grains and oats. Some bars also contain additional herbs, such as ginseng and guarana, "to help provide maximum energy" and to stimulate the central nervous system ( wn/sportsbars.html). Others include sodium and potassium phosphate to increase oxygen consumption capacity and to prevent lactic acid buildup in the muscles. The size of an energy bar varies with each brand and can range anywhere from one ounce to more than five ounces. The majority contain 100 to 300 calories and get most of these calories (at least 60 percent) from carbohydrates (Walsh 1997). The bars are usually easy to digest and come in a wide array of flavors and textures. They are advertised by most manufacturers as an "optimum energy fuel" and are us ed mainly as a way to replenish the body's energy stores as they are being depleted ( Who are they for? Where are they found? Energy bars are most often associated with top athletes and endurance sports, such as bicycling and running. Recently, however, they have started to attract outdoor enthusiasts, participants of team sports, and casual exercisers (McEvoy 1994). They are becoming so popular that even overweight individuals are eating them as a low-fat meal substitute (Runner's World 1994). Today they can be found almost anywhere: in sporting good stores, pharmacies, health food shops, and even several department stores (Lobb 1995). When do you eat them? Energy bars can be consumed before an event to ensure sufficient levels of muscle and liver glycogen (stored carbohydrate), during an event to stabilize or maintain blood sugar levels, or after an event to replace expended nutrients and to maximize recovery. Some people also eat them as a snack or meal replacement throughout the day. Specific times and amounts obviously vary for each person ( II. Two main types of energy bars: 1. High-carbo group Most energy bars are placed in this group because they are high in carbohydrates and low in proteins and fats. Producers of these bars argue that a high portion of carbohydrates provides "a superior source of fuel for endurance performance and that the fewer fat calories you ingest in a pre-workout, the better". Energy Bars: An Athlete's Friend or Foe :: Health Nutrition Athletics Sports Papers I. What are "energy bars"? Definition and Contents: An energy bar is a convenient, fortified snack-food containing a blend of simple and complex carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, and vitamins and minerals. The primary source of protein in energy bars usually comes from milk and the fiber comes from grains and oats. Some bars also contain additional herbs, such as ginseng and guarana, "to help provide maximum energy" and to stimulate the central nervous system ( wn/sportsbars.html). Others include sodium and potassium phosphate to increase oxygen consumption capacity and to prevent lactic acid buildup in the muscles. The size of an energy bar varies with each brand and can range anywhere from one ounce to more than five ounces. The majority contain 100 to 300 calories and get most of these calories (at least 60 percent) from carbohydrates (Walsh 1997). The bars are usually easy to digest and come in a wide array of flavors and textures. They are advertised by most manufacturers as an "optimum energy fuel" and are us ed mainly as a way to replenish the body's energy stores as they are being depleted ( Who are they for? Where are they found? Energy bars are most often associated with top athletes and endurance sports, such as bicycling and running. Recently, however, they have started to attract outdoor enthusiasts, participants of team sports, and casual exercisers (McEvoy 1994). They are becoming so popular that even overweight individuals are eating them as a low-fat meal substitute (Runner's World 1994). Today they can be found almost anywhere: in sporting good stores, pharmacies, health food shops, and even several department stores (Lobb 1995). When do you eat them? Energy bars can be consumed before an event to ensure sufficient levels of muscle and liver glycogen (stored carbohydrate), during an event to stabilize or maintain blood sugar levels, or after an event to replace expended nutrients and to maximize recovery. Some people also eat them as a snack or meal replacement throughout the day. Specific times and amounts obviously vary for each person ( II. Two main types of energy bars: 1. High-carbo group Most energy bars are placed in this group because they are high in carbohydrates and low in proteins and fats. Producers of these bars argue that a high portion of carbohydrates provides "a superior source of fuel for endurance performance and that the fewer fat calories you ingest in a pre-workout, the better".
Thursday, October 24, 2019
SoP†A man's worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions.†When I read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius little did I know the impact it would have on me while choosing my career path. At a very young age, I began to be fascinated by the role of money in our day today lives, this allure grew and it influenced my goals. It's with great deliberation that I have decided to pursue the Master of Finance course in your esteemed institution, since it is harmonious with my goal of being a Financial Analyst. This course appealed to me, due to its compelling curriculum. As I read through the syllabus I realised the foundations of the challenging course work would give me an in-depth understanding of concepts such as corporate finance, a subject which has always fascinated me. The convergence of each and every subject offered in the coursework during the two-year period shall not only provide the exposure I desire from the Master's program but will also allow me to lay the foundation to pursue my aspiration of Chartered Financial Analyst – a professional degree that one can aim to actualize since it will be in perfect synchronisation with the university's course program. Australia is also the choicest of countries to pursue my Graduate studies. Since I have always the admired their hospitable approach to international students, and the balanced and cultured perspective it imparts to the students who study there. I also believe pursuing my graduate degree there will not only improve my knowledge but will also help in my holistic development.My family has always inculcated in me the need for education and the value of hard work. All through my life, my parents would show me all their values not in words but in their actions. My mother who is an educator taught me that a good education is the profoundest of accomplishments. My father imparted to me the attitude of working with meticulousness and going the extra mile to succeed in my endeavours. They supported and encouraged my intellectual curiosity, and fostered my fledging interest in finance. They would patiently field my questions on the basics of economy and gave me the leeway to understand how they would budget our household expenses. With this strong backing I decided to attempt one of the most challenging exams in India, the Chartered Accountancy Exams. While preparing for this exam, I came to realise the complexities involved in accounting. The real learning began when I cleared the first level of the exam and started preparing for the Intermediary level. I was exposed to a variety of subjects including concepts of financial management, information technology and management principles. The core focus however, remained on accounts, finance, auditing, corporate and tax laws.As I studied I began to understand that the course of work I had chosen was challenging as well pushed me out of my comfort zone. I decided to complete my graduation in Bachelors in Commerce, to further enhance my understanding. After which I began work as an intern to get an incisive glimpse into the workings of an accounting firm. I got an opportunity to intern with Transaction Advisory Services at BDO India (erstwhile MZSK and Associates). The department specialised in valuation services, due diligences, other structuring options. As I started to get involved in various projects I began to find myself progressively drawn towards finance. As my work progressed, I soon began to immerse myself heavily into assignments, which made me understand that finance is indeed one of the key pillars of the business world. The end of the internship period bridged the gap between my ideals and real life, and clinched my dream of delving into the world of finance. This led to my decision to pursue Masters of Finance as against a Management degree since I was looking for something more niche and specialized. The job market in India provides plenty opportunities to those with skills in the field of finance including corporate finance and personal finance, however, the management programs here that are excellent in its own entirety do not allow a student seeking expertise in a distinct arena to flourish. India is now an emerging economy, the need for more specific expertise is on the rise, with the help of this program it would be an incredible contribution on my behalf to be able to apply the knowledge and exposure I receive at your revered university towards my ambition as well as the prove to be a contributing asset in the company of my choice in India. Therefore, this degree would be compelling factor that would decide my future career prospects. I would advance tremendously since your syllabus involves all the requisite skills that I would need to work with top tier firms. It would also be remiss if I fail to mention the advantages of being in a vibrant and vivacious environment that characterizes university life at ANU. I would like to further assert that this program would provide invaluable significance to my life and academic career. This program will give me opportunity to study with like minded individuals and the fortuity to collaborate with premier faculty both of which would impact my person greatly. Therefore, it would be an absolute pleasure to be admitted as a part of this program.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Succubus Shadows Chapter 18
It started before I could stop it. I stood in a kitchen, in one of those dreams where I was both watching me and feeling me. The kitchen was bright and modern, far larger than anything I could imagine a non-cook like me needing. My dream-self stood at the sink, arms elbow deep in sudsy water that smelled like oranges. I was hand-washing dishes and kind of doing a half-ass job at it but was too happy to notice. On the floor, an actual dishwasher lay in pieces, thus explaining the need for manual labor. From another room, the sounds of â€Å"Sweet Home Alabama†carried to my ears. I hummed along as I washed. I was content, filled with a joy so utterly perfect, I could barely grasp it after everything else that had happened in my life – particularly after this imprisonment with the Oneroi. After humming a few more bars, I set a wet cup on the counter and turned around to peek into the living room beyond me. A little girl sat in there, about two years old. She was on a blanket, surrounded by stuffed animals and other toys. She clutched a plush giraffe in her hands. It rattled when she shook it. As though sensing my gaze, she looked up. She had plump cheeks that hadn't quite lost their baby fat. Wispy, light brown curls covered her head, and her hazel eyes were large and framed with dark lashes. She was adorable. Behind her on the couch, Aubrey lay curled up in a tight little ball. Godiva lay beside her. A delighted smile spread over the little girl's face, creating a dimple in one cheek. A powerful wave of love and joy spread through me, emotions that my raw and aching real self barely allowed to come through. Just like the first time I'd dreamed this dream, I knew with certainty – absolute certainty – that this girl was my daughter. After a few more moments, I returned to my dishes, though I wanted nothing more than to go back to the living room. Damned manual labor. Neither my dream self nor my waking self could get enough of the girl. I wanted to drink her in. I could have watched her forever, taking in those long-lashed eyes and wispy curls. Unable to resist – and bored with washing dishes – I finally gave in and glanced back again. The girl was gone. I pulled my hands out of the water, just in time to hear a thump and a crash. The sound of crying followed. I sprinted out of the kitchen. Aubrey and Godiva jerked their heads up, surprised at my sudden movement. On the other side of the living room, my daughter sat on the floor beside an end table with sharp corners, a small hand pressed to her forehead. Tears streamed down her checks as she wailed. In a flash, I was on my knees, wrapping her up in a tight embrace. Watching and feeling this dream, I wanted to weep as well over the feel of that soft, warm body in my arms. I rocked the girl, murmuring soothing, nonsensical words as I brushed my lips against the silken hair. Eventually, her sobs stopped, and she rested her head against my chest, content to simply be loved and rocked. We sat like that for another happy minute or so, and then, distantly, I heard the sound of a car's engine. I lifted my head. â€Å"You hear that?†I asked. â€Å"Daddy's home.†Mirrored excitement showed on the girl's face as I stood up, still holding her and balancing her on my hip. It was an act of some coordination, considering how small I was. We walked to the front door and stepped outside onto a porch. It was nighttime, all quiet darkness save for a small light hanging overhead. It shone onto a long stretch of unbroken white snow on the lawn and the driveway. All around, more snow fell in a steady stream. I didn't recognize the place, but it certainly wasn't Seattle. That much snow would have sent the city into a panic, putting everyone on Armageddon alert. My daughter and I were perfectly at ease, barely noticing the snow. Wherever we were, this weather was a common occurrence. Down the driveway, the car I had heard had already parked. My heart swelled with happiness. A man stood behind it, a nondescript dark figure in the faint lighting. He took out a rolling suitcase and slammed the trunk shut. The little girl clasped her hands in excitement, and I waved my own hand in greeting. The man returned the wave as he walked toward the house. It was too dark, and I couldn't see him yet. His face. I had to see his face. We were so close. This was where the dream had stopped before, denying me its conclusion. Some part of me was certain this was a trick too – that the Oneroi were going to do what Nyx had done and end the dream. They didn't. The man continued walking toward us, and at last, the porch light illuminated his features. It was Seth. Lacy snowflakes rested in his messy hair, and I could make out some wacky T-shirt underneath his heavy woolen trench coat. He left the suitcase by the stairs and sprinted up them to get to us that much more quickly. His arms encircled us, and both my daughter and I snuggled against him. It might have been freezing elsewhere, but our little circle held all the warmth in the world. â€Å"My girls,†he murmured. He took one of his gloves off and ran his hand over the fine silk of our daughter's hair. He brushed a kiss against her forehead and then leaned toward me. Our lips met in a soft kiss, and when we pulled away, I could see mist in the air from the warmth of his mouth. He hugged us tighter. I sighed happily. â€Å"Don't leave anymore,†I said. â€Å"Don't do any more traveling.†He laughed quietly and gave me another kiss, this time on my cheek. â€Å"I'll see what I can do. If it was up to me, I'd never leave.†But the dream left, shattering like pieces of glass that were then swept away by a broom. Whereas before I'd counted the seconds for these dreams to go away, this time I wanted to cling to it. The hands I didn't have in this insubstantial form longed to grasp those shards, bloodying my flesh, if only to have a few more moments of that perfect, content bliss my dream-self had held. But it was gone. I was empty. For a long time, I simply couldn't get over the dream's loss. I was a tangle of emotions: hurt and anger and longing and incompleteness. It was all feeling, no thought. When coherency began to return, even it was a jumble. Seth. Seth was the man in the dream? Of course he was. Hadn't I felt it from almost the first time we met? Hadn't I often said he was like a piece of my soul? Hadn't I felt like something was missing when we'd split up? Then, all the doubt that the Oneroi had been so good at instilling in me began to descend. It couldn't be Seth. I couldn't be with a mortal, not in any real capacity. I certainly couldn't have a child with one, and anyway, Seth was marrying someone else. This was a trick. Another lie. Everything here was a lie, meant to continue the torment the Oneroi thought I deserved. â€Å"That can't happen,†I said. The words were hard. And hadn't I already said them earlier? Circles, circles. My life was repeating itself over and over. â€Å"None of that could ever happen.†â€Å"No,†agreed Two. â€Å"Not anymore. Your future shifted.†â€Å"That was never my future. You lie. Nyx lied. There's no truth anywhere.†â€Å"This is truth,†said One. Another dream. A true dream? No, no. The part of me that was starting to lose it swore up and down that it couldn't be true. There's no truth anywhere. I was in the mundane human world again, with Seth and Simone-as-Georgina. They were at a tuxedo shop, browsing suits, and I futilely racked my brain to figure this out. Maddie had requested they go shopping†¦yet, surely it hadn't happened that day. Or had it? Was this another day? How much time had passed? I couldn't tell if these dreams lasted a second or a lifetime. The sky outside was deepening to twilight, so maybe it was the same day. â€Å"You don't have to wear a bow tie,†said Simone, studying a well-dressed mannequin. She herself was dressed magnificently, in a tight dress that was an orange reminiscent of autumn leaves. It was short, of course, and emphasized my breasts as much as was decently possible – maybe more so. Bronze high heels completed the look. It was too fancy for tux shopping, but it looked great on her. Me. Us. Whatever. Seth wandered over to stand beside her, studying the suit. If there hadn't been a salesman straightening a display near the door, I had a feeling Seth would have made a run for it. â€Å"It's more traditional,†said Seth. â€Å"I think that's what Maddie wants.†Simone scoffed. â€Å"So? What about what you want?†She took a step toward him. â€Å"You can't just sit by and let others tell you what to do! You have your own needs. Your own wants. You can't be passive here.†There was passion in her words, a conviction that even I couldn't help but admire. It was the kind of speech that rallied people to your cause – but like everything else she'd said lately, there was this sexual subtext laced within it. He stared at her for a few seconds, as impressed as I was, but finally looked away. He also took a step back. â€Å"Maybe. But I don't really feel like my life currently hinges on whether I choose a bow tie or a regular tie. I think I should save my heroic moments for something a little bigger.†He wandered off to look at another suit and didn't see the scowl on her face that I did. Soon, she had that sweet smile on again and was back by his side – very close to his side – while they examined cuts, colors, and all the myriad details that went into planning a lifelong commitment. The salesman couldn't stay away, of course, and finally swooped in to offer his assistance. â€Å"This jacket would be very flattering with your build,†he told Seth. â€Å"It comes in black and gray, as well as a few others – so it would definitely complement your dress.†That last part was directed to Simone. She laughed merrily. It was nails on a chalkboard to me. â€Å"Oh, we're not getting married.†She patted Seth's arm. â€Å"We're just good friends. I'm helping out.†Seth moved away, escaping the arm, and suddenly seemed very interested in trying on the jacket. The salesman found Seth's size, gushed with compliments, and then left the two of them to mull it over. â€Å"It looks great,†said Simone, coming to stand right in front of him. I couldn't see any space between them. She casually straightened the jacket's lapel, not that it needed it. â€Å"Fits you like a glove.†Seth grabbed hold of her hands, pushed them away, and then backed off himself. â€Å"You need to stop this,†he said, lowering his voice so others wouldn't hear. â€Å"Stop what?†asked Simone. â€Å"You know what! The innuendoes. The touching. All of it. You can't keep doing it.†Simone took a step closer, putting her hands on her hips. Her voice was soft as well, but it was more of a purr. What made it especially irritating was that, really, it was my voice. â€Å"Why? Because you don't like it? Come on, Seth. How much longer are you going to keep fooling yourself? You know you still want me. This scam of a wedding isn't going to change that. What we had†¦what we have is too powerful. I see the way you look at me – and you don't look at her that way. You say I've got to stop? No. You're the one that needs to stop this wedding. End it with her. Or if you don't have the guts, then let us be together again. At the very least – just one more night. I want to feel you again, feel you in me. And I know you do too.†I was aghast at the boldness. I couldn't believe what that bitch had tried to do. Impersonating me was bad enough, but now blatantly trying to lure Seth into her bed? Unforgiveable. I expected Seth to be outraged as well, but his face was the picture of calm. He took off the jacket and set it on a counter. â€Å"I don't know who you are, but stay away from me. Do not speak to me again – or Maddie.†There was a stern, warning tone in his words, that anger I rarely ever heard from him. For once, Simone faltered. â€Å"What are you talking about?†â€Å"You aren't Georgina,†he said. â€Å"I should've listened when my niece first told me. Georgina would never do this, no matter how she felt. Georgina wouldn't openly try to break up her friend's wedding. She wouldn't betray Maddie.†Simone's eyes flashed with anger. â€Å"Really? Then how exactly would you classify your little spring fling?†I wasn't surprised she knew about that. Everyone in my hellish circle had figured it out when Seth's soul darkened. His smile was both sad and cold. â€Å"Georgina did that†¦inadvertently. She was aware of what she was doing, but the motivations†¦well, they were different.†â€Å"Stop trying to justify infidelity. And stop talking about me in the third person!†â€Å"You aren't her,†said Seth again. â€Å"I know her. I would know her in almost any form. And although you look like her, you – obviously – do not know her.†He turned around to leave – and ran into Jerome. Seth hadn't seen Jerome enter or teleport into the shop. Neither had I. Yet, even if the demon had strolled in openly, I think Seth would have had the same astonished and deeply disturbed reaction. The cool attitude he'd shown with Simone vanished. â€Å"Sorry,†said Seth, stepping back. He glanced uneasily at Simone, who was just as surprised. â€Å"I'll – I'll leave you two alone.†â€Å"I'm not here for her,†growled Jerome. â€Å"What?†she exclaimed, seeming deeply offended. Jerome's dark eyes bored into Seth's. â€Å"I'm here for you. You need to come with me. Now.†When a demon tells you to do something, it's pretty hard to refuse it. My friends and I might joke about the silliness of Jerome's John Cusack guise, but underneath all that, Jerome was fucking scary. And when he turned his demonic wrath on a human, it was outright terrifying. Yet, with a remarkable show of bravery, Seth asked: â€Å"Why?†Jerome looked displeased that Seth hadn't instantly jumped to obey. â€Å"To get Georgie back.†â€Å"Back?†repeated Simone. â€Å"But if she comes back – â€Å" Jerome lifted his eyes from Seth and glared at her. â€Å"Yes, yes, I know. But you might as well give it up. You failed.†â€Å"But I can – â€Å" â€Å"Clearly, you can't.†Jerome strode over to her, leaning close to her face. He pitched his voice low, but I could hear it from my observer's view. â€Å"This is not the way. I know why you're here now, but tell Niphon that every time he tries to fix things, he ends up fucking up more. It's too late. I'll deal with this. It doesn't involve you.†â€Å"But – â€Å" â€Å"Enough.†The word boomed through the store. The salesman looked up, startled, but kept his distance. â€Å"I didn't question your presence before, but now you can go.†Ostensibly, it sounded as though he were giving her permission to leave. But both she and I could hear the underlying meaning: if she didn't go on her own, he would â€Å"assist†her. She made no more protests. Jerome returned to Seth. â€Å"Georgina's been taken. We're going to get her back. And you are going to play a role in that.†Seth couldn't speak for a moment, and when he did, it was to utter the most obvious response: â€Å"How?†â€Å"To start with, you can stop wasting time here with stupid questions. Come with me, and you'll find out.†Jerome then made a masterful play. â€Å"Every moment you delay, she's in more danger.†Nothing else could have spurred Seth into such action. He flinched at the words, and his face ran through a kaleidoscope of emotions. â€Å"Okay,†he said to Jerome. â€Å"Let's go.â€
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
8 Jobs That Won’t Exist in 2030
8 Jobs That Won’t Exist in 2030 Times are changing so rapidly, and the job market is going right along for the ride. You likely already know that technology is forcing many of the things we’re used to toward extinction. Non-electronic books? Soon to be a thing of the past. CDs? Try finding anyone under 20 who listens to them. But unfortunately, many jobs are getting swept out the door, as well. If you’re just entering the job market, or want to get a sense of your career trajectory, it’s wise to know which gigs probably won’t be around in 10 to 20 years before you’re stuck in a dead-end field. 1. LibrarianMore and more people are clearing out those paperbacks and downloading e-books on their Tablets and Kindles instead. The same goes for borrowing- as books fall out of favor, libraries are not as popular as they once were. That means you’ll have a tough time finding a job if you decide to become a librarian. Many schools and universities are already moving their libraries o ff the shelves and onto the Internet.2. Paperboy/PapergirlBooks are not the only paper-based reading materials in jeopardy. As more news junkies get their daily fix online, actual newspapers are falling out of favor. This is good news for trees but bad news for all the kids who once earned extra cash delivering papers door to door.3. CashierIt can be really nice to see a friendly face when paying for your groceries, but a lot of shoppers would rather just pay for their stuff and get out. Many retailers are catching onto this, as well as the cost-effectiveness of not having to pay cashiers, and are opting for self-checkout machines. This can be a real problem for the teenagers, college students, and adults looking for hourly work who rely on cashier jobs.4. ReceptionistIsn’t it annoying when you call a business and have to deal with an automated system that may not be able to answer your questions quickly and courteously? Too bad. Many businesses have adopted such systems, whi ch does not bode well for human receptionists. They may soon find themselves going the way of the dodo too.5. TelemarketerOkay, this one might actually seem like good news, because no one likes to have her or his day interrupted by telemarketers. Yes, telemarketers are no longer in high demand because of Internet-based marketing, though equally obnoxious â€Å"robo-calls†are still pretty common.6. Travel AgentSites such as Expedia and Travelocity have made booking a trip as easy as posting a few Tweets. However, there was a time when you would actually have to go to a travel agency and deal with a human being behind a desk to make arrangements to visit Disneyland. Those obsolete professionals are known as travel agents, and unfortunately, most of them have had to move on to other careers.7. Word ProcessorTyping was once a pretty common and obtainable office job. Word processing apps have made hiring living, breathing typists unnecessary. Such jobs are in a downward spiral li kely to hit bottom sometime in the next 20 years.8. Social Media ManagerLibraries and travel agencies probably seem pretty old fashioned- real products of the twentieth century. However, social media has only been a major force for 15  years or so. Yet even this relatively new technology is not safe from change. Actually, it is the popularity of social media that may force social media managers out of business. Who needs these experts when we’re all becoming experts? In 10 or 20 years, we may not even remember what a social media manager, cashier, or receptionist is.As you can see, jobs over the next decade will evolve in ways we can’t even imagine right now- you just have to be willing to go along with the ride and adapt as the times around us change. Although these 8 positions may still exist in some form in 2030, they most likely will come with different titles and require skillsets that positions of the past never required.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Censorship in music essays
Censorship in music essays In Eduard Hanslicks book On the Beautiful in Music, the chapter titled Music and Nature argues that music is not a part of nature, but rather a man made art form. Hanslick believes that all aspects of music are created in the human mind and are not a part of nature. Hanslick suggests that music has fundamental 'building blocks', which cannot be found in nature. He (Hanslick) believes that the sounds in nature are not musical they are just natural sounds. He goes on to say that mankind heard these sounds and attempted to duplicate them, which is how mankind got the first musical notes. To be music it must poses melody and harmony, which is tones, not just sounds. The two main 'building blocks', melody and harmony, cannot be found in nature; " Melody is not to be met with in nature, even in its most rudimentary form"(p105). Hanslick suggests that these 'building blocks' of music are created in the human mind rather than in some aspect of nature. Hanslick believed that the third 'building block', rhythm, even though it can be found in nature, is not the same type of rhythm that music possess. He feels that musical rhythm is dependant on harmony and melody, whereas natural rhythm just occurs and is dependant on nothing, " But the point in whi ch natural rhythm differs from human music is obvious: in music there is no independent rhythm; it occurs only in connection with melody and harmony expressed in rhythmical order" (p106). Hanslick felt that music was different from all other forms of art in the respect that music could not be associated with nature. He states that unlike art, music was unable to take anything from nature. An artist could perhaps look at something beautiful and paint it, whereas a musician must create something in his mind. Hanslick states (p112) " There is nothing beautiful in nature as far as music is concerned", meaning that there is no aspect of nature in which one could arrive at beautiful music. " ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
50 Million Years of Whale Evolution
50 Million Years of Whale Evolution The basic theme of whale evolution is the development of large animals from much smaller ancestorsand nowhere is this more evident than in the case of multi-ton sperm and gray whales, whose ultimate forebears were small, dog-sized prehistoric mammals that prowled the riverbeds of central Asia 50 million years ago. Perhaps more intriguingly, whales are also a case study in the gradual evolution of mammals from fully terrestrial to fully marine lifestyles, with corresponding adaptations (elongated bodies, webbed feet, blowholes, etc.) at various key intervals along the way. Until the turn of the 21st century, the ultimate origin of whales was shrouded in mystery, with scarce remains of early species. That all changed with the discovery of a huge trove of fossils in central Asia (specifically, the country of Pakistan), some of which are still being analyzed and described. These fossils, which date from only 15 to 20 million years after the demise of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, prove that the ultimate ancestors of whales were closely related to artiodactyls, the even-toed, hooved mammals represented today by pigs and sheep. The First Whales - Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, and Rodhocetus In most ways, Pakicetus (Greek for Pakistan whale) was indistinguishable from other small mammals of the early Eocene epoch: about 50 pounds or so, with long, dog-like legs, a long tail, and a narrow snout. Crucially, though, the anatomy of this mammals inner ears closely matches that of modern whales, the main diagnostic feature that places Pakicetus at the root of whale evolution. One of Pakicetus closest relatives was Indohyus (Indian pig), an ancient artiodactyl with some intriguing marine adaptations, such as a thick, hippopotamus-like hide. Ambulocetus, aka the walking whale, flourished a few million years after Pakicetus and already displayed some distinctly whale-like characteristics. Whereas Pakicetus led a mostly terrestrial lifestyle, occasionally dipping into lakes or rivers to find food, Ambulocetus possessed a long, slender, otter-like body, with webbed, padded feet and a narrow, crocodile-like snout. Ambulocetus was much bigger than Pakicetusabout 10 feet long and 500 pounds, much closer to a blue whale than a guppyand probably spent a significant amount of time in the water. Named after the region of Pakistan where its bones were discovered, Rodhocetus shows even more striking adaptations to an aquatic lifestyle. This prehistoric whale was genuinely amphibious, crawling up onto dry land only to forage for food and (possibly) give birth. In evolutionary terms, though, the most telling feature of Rodhocetus was the structure of its hip bones, which werent fused to its backbone and thus provided it greater flexibility when swimming. The Next Whales - Protocetus, Maiacetus, and Zygorhiza The remains of Rodhocetus and its predecessors have been found mostly in central Asia, but the larger prehistoric whales of the late Eocene epoch (which were able to swim faster and farther) have been unearthed in more diverse locations. The deceptively named Protocetus (it wasnt really the first whale) had a long, seal-like body, powerful legs for propelling itself through the water, and nostrils that had already begun to migrate halfway up it foreheada development foreshadowing the blowholes of modern whales. Protocetus shared one important characteristic with two roughly contemporary prehistoric whales, Maiacetus, and Zygorhiza. The front limbs of Zygorhiza were hinged at the elbows, a strong clue that it crawled onto land to give birth, and a specimen of Maiacetus (meaning good mother whale) has been found with a fossilized embryo inside, positioned in the birth canal for terrestrial delivery. Clearly, the prehistoric whales of the Eocene epoch had a lot in common with modern giant tortoises! The Giant Prehistoric Whales By about 35 million years ago, some prehistoric whales had attained gigantic sizes, bigger even than modern blue or sperm whales. The largest genus yet known is Basilosaurus, the bones of which (discovered in the mid-19th century) were once thought to belong to a dinosaurhence its deceptive name, meaning king lizard. Despite its 100-ton size, Basilosaurus possessed a relatively small brain and didnt use echolocation when swimming. Even more important from an evolutionary perspective, Basilosaurus led a fully aquatic lifestyle, birthing as well as swimming and feeding in the ocean. Contemporaries of Basilosaurus were much less fearsome, perhaps because there was only room for one giant mammalian predator in the undersea food chain. Dorudon was once thought to be a baby Basilosaurus; only later was it realized that this small whale (only about 16 feet long and half a ton) merited its own genus. And the much later Aetiocetus (which lived about 25 million years ago), though it weighed only a few tons, shows the first primitive adaptation to plankton feedingsmall plates of baleen alongside its ordinary teeth. No discussion of prehistoric whales would be complete without a mention of a fairly new genus, the aptly named Leviathan, which was announced to the world in the summer of 2010. This 50-foot-long sperm whale weighed only about 25 tons, but it seems to have preyed on its fellow whales along with prehistoric fish and squids, and it may have been preyed on in turn by the largest prehistoric shark of all time, the Basilosaurus-sized Megalodon.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Qualitative analysis of Anions and Cations Essay
Qualitative analysis of Anions and Cations - Essay Example These chemistry aspects become important in conducting the deductive process utilised in analysing the ions. Other than the chemistry involved in the analysis, logic and common sense also play a fundamental role in understanding the qualitative analysis. Qualitative analysis of ions contained within various substances only detect the ion and not the element contained in the substance. In conducting these experiments, there will be various objectives that will be achieved and these will be the main aims of conducting the experiment. The aims of this experiment will include the following. The process of identifying the cations present within a substance involves a series of activities being undertaken in order to deductively determine the actual identity of ions within a substance. This is because there could be more than one cation within a substance and an elimination process must be applied to correctly determine the identity of ions. The ion are grouped in five categories that are defined using specific precipitating reagent. The five groups must be done in a predetermined order. The first experiment will be aimed at determining insoluble chlorides that might be present within the presented substance. This will involve the addition of HCl into an aqueous solution to produce the characteristics of the insoluble chlorides that will be used to determine the present cation. The second experiment will involve testing for insoluble sulphides by the addition sulphuric acid as the reagent. The insoluble sulphides will be the final products that will be precipitated from the reaction. The fourth experiment will involve the soluble substance from the third experiment through the addition of a solution of ammonia. This will be testing for insoluble sulphides that could be formed from this reaction. The separation of ions from the substances that contain them involves the addition of reagents to the substances in seeking enhance the reaction that will
Friday, October 18, 2019
CIS273 Week 1 123 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
CIS273 Week 1 123 - Assignment Example a) Standardizing HTML ensures that web pages are accessible to all sorts of internet users including the visually impaired. While designing a website, developers need to acknowledge that there are web users with disabilities such as poor eyesight. Other issues to be identified are choice of language and conditions for use. The issues provide developer with the knowledge of user circumstances hence accounting for them. b) Further stipulates that with combination of factors put forward by the W3C, the issues can be broadly divided into cultural, social and technological. Language and symbols considerations are for cultural issues, social differences are found in age, gender are even economics while technology is with computer related issues. a) The selected website uses java script based on character set utf-8. The HTML DOCTYPE reveals that the version used in the site is 4.01. The comment tags used in the source code are of this type, â€Å"†. Furthermore, the marked header elements contain the main subject of the webpage which in this case is definition. b) The website is also preferably designed for internet explorer. The fact that the used comment tag is and does not employ â€Å"---â€Å" is proof enough that the comment syntax used is SGML. a) With respect to the e-Activity comments are at the beginning of the selected source code. The comments basically talk about the language used in the website which in the selected case is English. The essence of the comment is that during editing of the source code the web designer will tell the exact place to make changes. b) Adding a comment into a web page requires something like HTML Comment Box which offers one of the easiest ways to add a comment to a web page of a website. Furthermore Disqus Comment Box could also be used. Comments are necessary for code explanation, for
The Obedience to Authority Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
The Obedience to Authority - Essay Example In â€Å"The Lottery,†Old Man Warner stresses that the lottery cannot be removed, simply because it has always been done: â€Å"There's always been a lottery†(Jackson). Furthermore, he emphasizes the saying: â€Å"Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon†(Jackson). It does not matter if this ritual results in the suffering of one person since the society focus on its â€Å"positive†outcomes. In "The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas,†people believe that in order to maintain the joy and wealth of Omelas, they have to preserve a â€Å"child's abominable misery†(LeGuin). Omelas has made it a law to never let the child out because it will result in the loss of â€Å"prosperity and beauty and delight†of Omelas (LeGuin). Some residents feel the injustice of this law, but the majority follows its law nonetheless. Simply obeying authority is a form of cowardice, which results in evil too. Some people in â€Å"The Lottery†consider scrapping this tradition, but they do so in â€Å"suggestive†tones. Mrs. Adams says: â€Å"Some places have already quit lotteries†(Jackson). No one among the people, nevertheless, boldly calls for the eradication of this bloody and senseless ritual. They all participate, even when they feel uncomfortable about it. For instance, the niceties are all forced, such as when Mr. Summers and Mr. Adams â€Å"grinned at one another humorlessly...†(Jackson). There is also cowardice in how people in Omelas uphold a child's misery. They rationalize the co-existence of their happiness and individuals suffering: â€Å"They all know that it has to be there†(LeGuin). They think this way to free themselves from guilt. Rationalization is a coward way out of his/her conscience. People follow authority, even when it results in violence because violence has become too commonplace that no one questions its morality anymore. Children and adults alike participate in the violence of the lottery, as part of their â€Å"numbing, commonplace everyday activity†(Breakthrough Writer).Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
How its made Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
How its made - Essay Example 23-29, 2005). Sandpaper first came out in the 13th century, invented by the Chinese when strong and tough materials of that age, such as shell pieces, seeds, and sand adhered to parchment rolls through natural gum obtained from the trees. In those days, people also made use of natural rough surfaces such as fish skin with scales to achieve results similar to that of sandpaper. However, the first invention, which looked much more like today’s sandpaper came out as glass paper, formed through pieces of glass and sand combined together on paper. By 1716, coated paper came forward in Paris, but the original invention of sandpaper goes back into 1834 in United States by Isaac Fischer, Jr., of Springfield, Vermont. Its grade further improved when it took over another property of also being waterproof in 1916, changing from sandpaper to Wetrodry, which helped improve the grade quality without acting as a seal upon automotive paint refinishing. The most peculiar use of sandpaper is its application as a musical instrument by Leroy Anderson in his famous Sandpaper Ballet (Capotosto, pp. 73, 1991). Sandpaper, no matter with its name specifically refers to surface of paper and sand, in reality denies the presence of both the materials, but is completely made of other organic or synthetic minerals and adhesives. There are many materials other than the simple usage of sand and paper, in the development of this multi functioning piece of paper, which give it its unique qualities. Most significantly, the abrading materials, which give it the aggressive wiping ability comes through the combination of many materials. These include flint, garnet (for wood work), emery (substance used for cleaning metal surfaces), aluminum oxide (giving the paper its metal oxide property), silicon carbide (only used in very fine grits),
Digital Forensic Tools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Digital Forensic Tools - Essay Example Likewise, anomalous space extraction will enhance capabilities of network administrators for PCA based methods. Moreover, network wide correlation analysis of amplitude and frequency that is also a subset of this methodology will determine overall transmission of data packets initiating from these distributed networks. After the identification of the root cause or source of the worm, the next step is to identify the infected nodes as well. Network administrator will use a specialized tool capable of all the mentioned technological methods, as manual work will consume a lot of time and in some cases it becomes impossible to detect unknown patterns that are located deep down the network layers. The name of the tool is ‘Wireshark’, as it has advanced facilities and features that will analyze network traffic packet by packet and will provide in-depth analysis (Scalisi 2010). By using this ‘Wireshark’ tool, the first step a network administrator will take is the identification of traffic type or port types that will be the focus area. Likewise, the second step will be associated with capturing data packets on all ports that are available on the network (Scalisi 2010). However, the Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) provides playback actions for investigations an electronic crime or hacking activity. NFAT targets users, hosts and protocols along with content analysis as well. In spite of all these features, NFAT does not support overall detection of live network traffic. Consequently, ‘Wireshark’ will differentiate unknown network patters by analyzing each port so that statistics related to each data packet can be identified. The third task will be to trace the source from where the attack has been initiated.... Network administrator will use a specialized tool capable of all the mentioned technological methods, as manual work will consume a lot of time and in some cases it becomes impossible to detect unknown patterns that are located deep down the network layers. The name of the tool is ‘Wireshark’, as it has advanced facilities and features that will analyze network traffic packet by packet and will provide in-depth analysis (Scalisi 2010). By using this ‘Wireshark’ tool, the first step a network administrator will take is the identification of traffic type or port types that will be the focus area. Likewise, the second step will be associated with capturing data packets on all ports that are available on the network (Scalisi 2010). However, the Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) provides playback actions for investigations an electronic crime or hacking activity. NFAT targets users, hosts and protocols along with content analysis as well. In spite of all thes e features, NFAT does not support overall detection of live network traffic. Consequently, ‘Wireshark’ will differentiate unknown network patters by analyzing each port so that statistics related to each data packet can be identified. The third task will be to trace the source from where the attack has been initiated. Likewise, network administrators have to focus on two areas i.e. record routes and time stamps. Moreover, these two fields are also considered by network administrators to address routing issues that may occur.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
How its made Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
How its made - Essay Example 23-29, 2005). Sandpaper first came out in the 13th century, invented by the Chinese when strong and tough materials of that age, such as shell pieces, seeds, and sand adhered to parchment rolls through natural gum obtained from the trees. In those days, people also made use of natural rough surfaces such as fish skin with scales to achieve results similar to that of sandpaper. However, the first invention, which looked much more like today’s sandpaper came out as glass paper, formed through pieces of glass and sand combined together on paper. By 1716, coated paper came forward in Paris, but the original invention of sandpaper goes back into 1834 in United States by Isaac Fischer, Jr., of Springfield, Vermont. Its grade further improved when it took over another property of also being waterproof in 1916, changing from sandpaper to Wetrodry, which helped improve the grade quality without acting as a seal upon automotive paint refinishing. The most peculiar use of sandpaper is its application as a musical instrument by Leroy Anderson in his famous Sandpaper Ballet (Capotosto, pp. 73, 1991). Sandpaper, no matter with its name specifically refers to surface of paper and sand, in reality denies the presence of both the materials, but is completely made of other organic or synthetic minerals and adhesives. There are many materials other than the simple usage of sand and paper, in the development of this multi functioning piece of paper, which give it its unique qualities. Most significantly, the abrading materials, which give it the aggressive wiping ability comes through the combination of many materials. These include flint, garnet (for wood work), emery (substance used for cleaning metal surfaces), aluminum oxide (giving the paper its metal oxide property), silicon carbide (only used in very fine grits),
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Normal Distribution and Probability Research Paper
The Normal Distribution and Probability - Research Paper Example The variable of interest, as with any other ratio variable, has a true zero point. That is, it is possible for a participant to not type any word in one minute but may not be able to type any lower than that value. This true zero point is what separates interval level variables from ratio level variables (Agresti & Finlay, 2009, p. 107). Ratio level of measurement is considered the highest level of measurement because many descriptive statistics computations and inferential statistics techniques may be performed on such measures (Cohen, 1988, p. 53). Specifically, it is possible to find the mode (though not applicable on this particular example), median, mean, range, maximum, minimum, and standard deviation for ratio level measures. This variable is normally distributed because the values that it takes may be scattered on a plot, approximating a symmetric bell-shaped curve (Kazmier, 2004). That is, the graph is more concentrated on the central values and symmetrically decreases on both side of the bell-shaped graph. This is possible because more people can type the â€Å"average†range of values for words per minute and as these values go to the extremes (whether extreme high or extreme low), fewer people fall into those values. In terms of central tendencies, it is to be expected that the mean, median, and modal value for number of words typed per minute would be most likely the same value (Agresti & Finlay, 2009). Furthermore, since the sample size is quite large, normal distribution of data points almost always follows (Rubin, 2009). In a normal distribution, the probability value of a particular score is the likelihood of that score occurring in the sample data (which may be carried over to the population). In this particular example, it is the percentage of participants that typed a particular number of words per minute. Moreover, a
Monday, October 14, 2019
Emily Dickinson Essay Example for Free
Emily Dickinson Essay Emily Dickinson’s place in history has affected many aspects of social order. Dickinson’s writing touched on many issues that were very important to the life and development of Dickinson’s persona; such as religion, war, psychosis, and love. Dickinson’s insight into these issues has been the source of the majority of the interest in her work. Emily Dickenson, throughout her life, sought a personal understanding of God and his place within her life. Her place within the Calvinist Puritan Amherst, however, would not allow for her inquiry into the understanding of the nature of God other than within their specific doctrine. In her childhood Emily Dickenson was shy and already different from the others. Like all the Dickinson children, male or female, Emily was sent for formal education to Amherst Academy. Dickenson began to develop into a free willed person. Many of her friends had converted to Christianity, and her family was also exerting enormous amount of pressure on her to convert. Her father, along with the rest of the family, had become Christians and she alone decided to rebel against that and reject the Church. She had rejected the traditional views in life and adopted the new transcendental outlook. Dickenson’s questioning about God began at an early age. â€Å"Once (to Higginson) she recorded another bit of mystification at adult behavior†. (Sewell 326) As Sewell recounts, Dickinson’s reservations about the nature of God began as early as her genius. As a child, we are told Dickenson felt a disturbance in the speech of a clergyman during as funeral. â€Å"[She was] disturbed by the clergyman’s question, ‘Is the Arm of the Lord shortened that it cannot save? ’†(Sewell 326) Dickinson’s poetry is a window into her quest for this understanding. In poem number 1241, Dickinson concentrates on nature and its relativity to science. Dickinson looks upon a lilac in the late light of a setting sun. Set on a hill, it receives the last light of day, and subsequently, is the last thing that God sees of that day. The sun is given the action of intending the lilac to be meant for â€Å"Contemplation – not to Touch†. I think this is an allusion to the Calvinist ideal of seeking God through action. Dickinson felt that the actions of the church that surrounded her were hollow and led one no closer to understanding the true nature of God than she had attained in her poetic questionings. The flower is given, above humanity, the focus of God’s eye. â€Å"The scientist of Faith†that Dickinson speaks of in this poem is denied any furthering of his understanding when she says: â€Å"His research has but just begun / Above his synthesis / The Flora unimpeachable / To Time’s Analysis’’. Here, Dickinson is saying that it is not through active searching that one will find the true nature of God, but in the witnessing of His actionsâ€â€such as the creation of lilacs. She ends the poem with the line â€Å"Eye hath not seen†may possibly / Be current with the blind / But let not Revelation / By theses be detained†. This tells the reader that Dickinson felt that the active search for God, (with the eye) will fail. However, the â€Å"blind†will not have their revelations detained. In the poem #564 Dickinson centers on the physical building of churches as a problem with her understanding of God. Within this poem Dickinson tells the reader that the deification of the man made houses of worship also distract from one’s understanding of God. The line â€Å"God grows aboveâ€â€so those who pray / Horizonsâ€â€must ascend†illustrates Dickinson’s idea that limiting one’s view, as in focusing on a building rather than God himself, would hinder one’s ability to see God. Dickinson goes on to clarify, succinctly, her feelings on the worshiping of God through churches: â€Å"His house was notâ€â€no sign had He / By Chimneyâ€â€nor by Door / Could I infer his Residence / Vast Prairies of Air†Dickinson tells the reader that nothing tangible or built by the hand of man has been seen by God as His house. Dickenson contends that there is a separation between â€Å"praying and â€Å"worshipping†. The churches used by the people around Dickinson are used to â€Å"worship†and show the action of belief. Whereas praying is the only way to â€Å"reach†God and prove one’s heart as a believer. In the poem numbered 1499, Dickinson again questions the physical place worship by calling insecure the â€Å"Physiognomy†of the Calvinist theology. Dickinson begins this poem by acknowledging the temporality of the human visage: â€Å"How firm Eternity must look / To Crumbling men†. Dickinson obviously feels that the â€Å"face value†of religion is passing and worthless. She felt that the eternality of action and the long lasting effects of true faith were far more important and worth while. The questions raised by Emily Dickenson within her poetry, echoes the problems that people have had with religion for agesâ€â€where does the truth about God reside? Dickenson wanted to find a peace that accompanied the acceptance of God; however her exposure to the Calvinist Puritans stifled that. Her distain and mistrust from the sect resounded throughout her life and her poetry. Though not all of her poetry maintained such as hard line rejection of Puritan ideals, the ones selected here illustrate her desire to find something else, outside of the Calvinist dogma that better explained to her the nature of God. It has been â€Å"suggested that [the] contradictions in Emily Dickinson [‘s poetry] were due to her dual nature, which made her at once a pagan and a â€Å"sincerely religious woman. †(Voigt 193) This constant pull within her life, caused Dickinson to struggle throughout her lifetime with her desire to loved by God, and her inability to accept the blind faith that accompanies devotion to religion. The several poems that I am looking at are examples of how Emily Dickinson’s lack of center and acceptance manifested itself into poetry. In poem numbered 315, for example, the fumbling of the unnamed â€Å"he†at the soul of the narrator is immediately seen as the ultimate of personal invasions. The hap-hazard bumbling of this â€Å"he†is made worse by the â€Å"stun[ning]†that is caused by this invasion. The different degrees of this stunned soul hints at the multiple levels of invasion that is taking placeâ€â€emotional, physical and, presumably, spiritual. The objectifying human â€Å"Nature†as brittle is an obvious tool to illustrate the suffering that humanity is plagued with throughout their lives. It also brings in the idea of death and mortality to the concept of human existence. The â€Å"he†deals the final blow the brittle human narrator with â€Å"One – Imperial – Thunderbolt†(315. 11) This assumed death, however, does not promise an escape from the constant suffering of life, but instead we learn that â€Å"The Universe – is still –â€Å" (315. 12) The final dash after â€Å"still†tells the reader that the universe is still moving, turning, and continuing the pain that the narrator wishes to be freed from. The Civil War was another issue that was addressed by Dickinson. With the poem, â€Å"The name – of it – is ‘Autumn’†, Dickinson uses natural imagery to describe the horrors of war. David Cody wrote, in his article on the poem, that Dickinsons poem continues both to beckon and to baffle its readers, and the present essay is devoted not so much to an attempt to guess its meaning as to the more modest task of recalling or reviving, palingenetically as it were, some faint ghost or echo at least of the rich, complex and increasingly remote cultural moment in which it came into being. Precisely because it seems to embody. (Cody 24) Ed Folsom wrote that her poem, numbered 754 â€Å"My Life has stood – a loaded gun†; â€Å"explicitly with the Master/slave relationship†. (Folsom) The poem identifies with the slave’s reality of being worthless until pressed into service by the master. The work that Dickinson did during her lifetime was as diversely inspired as it was cryptic. However, the subjects that were covered by her work still hold enough interest and importance to warrant a continued study. The questions that Dickinson raised about religion, echoed the questions of many people who were slowly becoming disenfranchised with the Calvinist movement. Her own issues with psychosis were also subject to her eye. The poems she wrote about her lack of understanding of the world, and the fear that kept her secluded from society offer a deep insight into her mind. WORK CITED The Complete Poems of Emily Dickenson. Johnson, Thomas H. Ed. Little Brown and Co. New York. 1961. The Inner Life of Emily Dickinson. Voigt, Gilbert P. College English. Vol. 3. No. 2. (Nov. 1941). 192-196. The Life of Emily Dickinson. Sewell, Richard Benson. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, MA. 1994. Emily Dickinson: Selected Letters, ed. by Thomas H. Johnson and Theodora Ward. Cambridge MA. Harvard University Press. 1958. Cody, David Blood in the Basin: The Civil War in Emily Dickinson The name of it is Autumn The Emily Dickinson Journal. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume 12, Number 1, Spring 2003, pp. 25-52 Folsom, Ed. â€Å"Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and the Civil War†. University of Iowa. 2003. Date of Access: July 26, 2006. URL: http://www. classroomelectric. org/volume2/folsom/
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Steps to Overcoming Depression and Developing Healthy Habits
Steps to Overcoming Depression and Developing Healthy Habits Joyce Mae Alyssa R. Mandanas Overcoming depression have three major steps, these includes understanding your depression, improving your life, and developing healthier habits. Introduction â€Å"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.†John 16:33. This bible verse says that, in our life, we’ll experience a lot of wars, disasters, problems and struggles. Our life isn’t perfect, not all are happy and miserable. God doesn’t wants us feel down, depress or weak. God is just challenging us, that’s why, we are given such problems. Problems that we, ourselves, can solve. We are His sons and daughters, He doesn’t wants us to suffer. But, we are the one who’s giving the reason why we suffer. Just take a look on God’s sacrifices for our sins, it’s like the height of Goliath while our problem is like the height of David, but, He doesn’t give up. He overcome the world. So, it means that, we can solve our problems. Don’t give up. Don’t feel hopeless and depressed, it won’t help you and it ca n’t change everything. Every problem has a solution. God is always with us. Believe, trust, and open our hearts in Him. According to (Kloopers, n.d.), â€Å"Depression is like a black tunnel with no light†. We feel hopeless, unloved, tired, and empty. But, are we just staying on that black tunnel and letting it overrule and destroy our life? Even we know that there’s a hope for every time we feel hopeless, an unconditional love when we feel unloved, and a new beginning for every miserable life. Childbirth, menopause, loss of loved ones, relationship troubles, medical diagnosis, natural disasters, financial difficulties, job problems, genetics and social isolation are life events that cause depression. But despite of those life events, we have steps for overcoming it. Dealing with depression isn’t that easy and quick but also isn’t that hard. It takes a lot of time for us to feel better. A way out for this depression is on ourselves. It needs action and perseverance in order to perform the steps needed for the recovery. Overcoming depression have three major steps, these includes understanding your depression, improving your life, and developing healthier habits. Follow this steps, it will lead us to right way and we will never go wrong. It is definitely challenging because the things that can help you the most are the things that is the most difficult to do. Hard work, patience and perseverance is badly needed. Start by setting small goals, and within that, you’ll build something. It is difficult to do, but it is not impossible. All of your hardships can return to something better. Always think positively so you can go along until you’re recovered already. Overcoming depression have three major steps, these includes understanding your depression, improving your life, and developing healthier habits. Discussion Understanding your depression Understanding your depression is the first major step to overcome depression. You need to recognize first if you are suffering from the symptoms of depression. The following symptoms are: if you feel hopeless, worthless, irritated, tired on everything you do even if it is just simple and easy, and bored on things you love the most. If you eat a lot or lost your appetite, having sleepless nights or excessive sleep, choosing to be alone rather than having social interaction with others and thinking of suicide. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you are prone to depression (Serendipitee, Bawens, Jeff, 2014). If you experienced those symptoms of depression, then go to a doctor and ask for help. Doctors can also recognize if there are health problems or medical causes that can trigger depression like illnesses, genetic causes, and addiction to drugs or alcohols. Illnesses like anxiety disorder can cause you depression because it is a mental disorder and the feeling of worry and fear are constant. Genetics can also cause depression because if someone in your family that is your first degree relative who has depression and left untreated, it has a greater chance that you can suffer depression. It can also pass through your blood or genes. However, most of the people who have depression is not because of family history. Addiction to drugs can also cause depression because of its side effects. Taking drugs or even drinking alcohol won’t help you overcome depression but rather it will worsen it. Maybe when you’re taking or drinking alcohol you’ll forget your problems but af ter that, you’ll think of your problem again. You’re just wasting your time and even your money (Serendipitee, Bawens, Jeff, 2014). If you consulted your doctor and you have decided that you will take, or won’t take any prescription drugs, it is better to search also for a cause that makes you depress, so that you can be alert to prevent those events happen in your life. Here are some events that can worsen your depression: having a fail romantic relationship, trouble in one member of your family, failure on your courses, feeling unhappy and worthless on your job, feeling uncomfortable with your environment, and having financial difficulties. Having a conflict with your partner or with one member of your family can cause depression because you’re not okay. You’re throwing words that can hurt each other. You’re angry that’s why, negative thoughts lead you’re fight. You don’t think about the better way for you to be okay but rather, you think of thoughts that deepen your fight. Pride of each other overrules. Until it came to the point that you hurt each other physica lly and emotionally. After the fight, you’ll remember all the things that your partner or family member did and said, and you’ll feel so down, insulted, bad and you think of negative thoughts like he/she will break me up, we won’t see each other again and he/she might find other better than me. It is usually happening that after the fight, you don’t have communication, but not permanently, and that is added to cause you depression because you’re going to miss him/her and be worried. Failure on your courses can cause depression because the idea of failing is hard to accept. You’ll think that your parents will be angry at you and then you might start comparing yourself to others that pass the course. You’ll feel weak, sad, down and worthless. You might lose your interest in studying and start rebelling. It is also the same if you feel worthless on your job. Experiencing financial difficulties can cause depression because you’re h aving problems in terms of money. Financial problem is the major stressor in our life. And all of us believe that, money is so important in our lives. If you don’t have enough money, you can’t support your basic needs and you can also stop schooling. And it is literally a big impact in our lives. It can also make you stress because of the deadline payment of bills, if you fail on paying it, you’ll have no supply of electricity and water. The demand of the lender wherein you borrow money can also make you stress, if you don’t pay on its due date, you’ll have a bad record and maybe he/she won’t lend money to you again. It can ruin your life and you’ll feel so weak, bad, down, and sometimes, others think of suicide (Beyondblue, n.d.). Styron begins his story in October 1985 when he flies to Paris to receive the prestigious Prix mondial Cino Del Duca. During this trip, the writers mental state begins to deteriorate rapidly. Using a mix of anecdotes, speculation, and reportage, Styron reflects on the causes and effects of depression, drawing links between his own illness and that of other writers such as Randall Jarrell,Albert Camus,Romain Gary, and Primo Levi, as well as U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and activist Abbie Hoffman. Styron connects the onset of his depression with his sudden termination of his lifelong alcohol use, and argues that his condition was likely exacerbated by careless prescription of the drug Halcion. His depression culminated in a bout of intense suicidal ideation (though he never made an actual suicide attempt), which led to hospitalization and recovery (Styron, 1990). PARAPHRASE You can write in a journal. Writing in a journal can have peace in your mind. You can write anything about what happen that day. Your journal can be your best friend and listener. You can open what you feel in your journal. But it is better that you’ll write down positive things, so that you’ll never think of negative things. You can also monitor your recovery throughout depression. You can also reflect your improvements in every day (Kloopers, n.d.). Improving your life Improving your life is the second major step to overcome depression. You need to implement some drastic changes. Create a positive atmosphere in your life and start to forget all the negative and undesirable events out of your life. Get rid of unhealthy relationships for you to stop making feel worse. Have a serious talk to your enemy, say all you want to say, let your anger and hatred come out but don’t let them to lead your conversation.. You need to do this so that, there are no bad feelings build in your heart. If you seriously hate your career and studies, it’s time to find and follow what you want. If you can’t stand in your environment with your enemy, find a new place to live (Serendipitee, Bawens, Jeff, 2014). You can also maintain a busy schedule. Keeping yourself busy is also an effective way of overcoming depression so that, you’ll forget things that can make you depress. Distract yourself from overthinking and start to do what you love the most. Entertain yourself. Stay focus on your goals and on what you’re doing. Find a new passion or hobby, so you can have a reason why you wake up each morning. Be active in organizations. Spend time with people who makes you happy. Be generous in helping others because it can increase your self-worth (Kloopers, n.d.). You also need to maintain healthy relationships among your friends and family because it is important. They will help you to cope up with your depression. They will make you feel their unconditional love and priceless support. They are always beside you no matter what happens, that’s why keep in touch with them. Spend time hanging out with them. Have some social interaction. Talk to your most trusted person and open to her your feelings. You can also engage in some social organization, so that you’ll meet new friends and to prevent the sense of isolation. If you know someone that is also suffering from depression, give them advice, help them to get rid of depression and encourage them to follow the steps you’re facing on then think positively (Smith, Saisan, Segal, 2014). Developing healthier habit Developing healthier habit is the last major step to overcome depression. You need to improve your sleeping habits because, it can make a big improvement on your mental health. Getting enough sleep is healthy for our body. Train yourself to start going to bed early and waking up at the same time every day and night. Avoid taking naps longer than an hour because, it can make you feel more tired and make you harder to fall asleep. Avoid also sleeping less than 8 hours because it will lose your energy and you can’t think normally. You’ll have problem in making decisions. Limit food or drinks that contains caffeine because, it will make you harder to fall asleep. Exercise can also help you to fall asleep faster if you finish it at a right time (Healthysleep, 2007). You also need to have regular exercise daily because, it will increase your energy level and decrease the feeling of fatigue. Have a 30 minutes exercise every day and it can have a positive effect on your mood. It doesn’t mean that if you exercise you need to go to a gym a find an instructor. Be practical, just by having a walk and jog every morning is an exercise already. Exercise can also be a hobby or it can be a reason why you are busy. You’ll not just escape from depression but, you can also have a beautiful body figure and be stronger physically (Borchard, 2009). You also need to improve your diet because, it will help you feel less depressed and actively perform your tasks. What you eat has an impact on the way you feel. Don’t skip meals, so that you won’t easily get irritable. If you’re hungry, you’re tired on doing tasks and you’re having a bad mood most of the time. While if you’re fully loaded, you’ll have energy in performing tasks and don’t have a reason to be devastated. Add more fruits and vegetables into your diet, so that it can boost your mood and because it is nutritious. Eat three healthy and balanced meals a day (WebMD, 2005). Challenge negative thinking. If people are negative thinker, they see the world in a negative way. You can’t think right and ignore all the positive things and focus on the negative ones. And when negative people fail, they blame, down themselves and think that it will hold forever. Thinking negative won’t help you, but rather, it can add to your depression. It will be harder for you to recover from depression if you let your negative thoughts surrounds your life. Just think positive and don’t believe to your negative thoughts. This can help you overcome depression and remove the sense of negativity out of your mind (Uy, 2014). References Barbee, J. (1998). Annals of Clinical Psychiatry. Retrieved from Mxed Symptoms and Syndromes of anxiety and depression: Diagnostic, Prognostic, and etiologic issues: Beyondblue. (n.d.). Retrieved from What causes depression?: Borchard, T. J. (2009). Psych Central. Retrieved from 6 steps for beating depression: Buckner, D. (2014). Depression: Statistics, Causes, Signs Symptoms. Retrieved from The Refuge, A Healing Place: Dickstein, M. (2009). Dancing in the Dark: A Great Depression. New York: W.W. Norton Co. Frank, A., Roosevelt, E., Doubleday, M. (1993). The Diary of a Young Girl. Amsterdam: Bantam. Goldberg, J. (2014). Depression Health Center. Retrieved from WebMD: Grohol, J. M. (2013). An Introduction to Depression. Retrieved from PsychCentral: Healthysleep. (2007). Retrieved from Twelve simple tips to improve your sleep: Kenny, D. T. (2014). Depression. Retrieved from Kloopers, M. (n.d.). Lifehack. Retrieved from Fifteen simple ways to overcome depression and sadness: Lauren, K. (2013). Teardrop. New York: Delacorte Press. Nordqvist, C. (2003). What is depression? What causes depression? Retrieved from MNT Knowledge Center: Orwell, G. (1950). 1984. London, England: Signet Classics. Paterson, K. (1996). Bridge to Terabithia. Virginia: Trumpet Club Special Edition. Serendipitee, Bawens, D., Jeff. (2014). wikiHow. Retrieved from How to overcome depression: Smith, M., Saisan, J., Segal, J. (2014). Retrieved from Depression Symptoms and Warning Signs: Staff, M. C. (2014). Treatment and Drugs. Retrieved from Depression (major depressive disorder): Styron, W. (1990). Darkness Visible. United States: Random House. Team, H. E. (2013). Signs of Depression. Retrieved from Healthline: Team, T. H. (2013). What do you want to know about depression? Retrieved from Healthline: Uy, M. (2014). 10 Tips to overcome negative thoughts: Positive thinking made easy. Retrieved from Tiny buddha: WebMD. (2005). Retrieved from Depression and diet:
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Glaciers in Oregon and The Fertile Crescent: Fields and Rivers Essay
Glaciers in Oregon Glaciers are a big part of life in Oregon. Glaciers supply drinking water, they irrigate crops and they help generate hydroelectric power. They are also a tourist attraction in areas that have more mountains. Glaciers are a natural resource that are so rare that people all over the world are trying to get these â€Å"frozen streams.†People want the power of glaciers because they can provide drinking water and people living in the city of La Paz, Bolivia rely on the melting of the glaciers. Glaciers irrigate crops and thousands of years ago people in Russia and Asia knew that dark colors promoted melting. This is how they watered their crops during dry periods. Even though this method has been proven very costly, India has created artificial glaciers to provide people with more water. Scientists have been damming glacial meltwater to help generate hydroelectric power. Glaciers supply drinking water to the community and are running low because they are continuing to melt. Glaciers have drastically changed over time because on average, â€Å"glaciers worldwide have been losing mass since at least the 1970s†. The melting of glaciers has been contributing to the rise in sea level because the glaciers have been shrinking faster in the last decade. Three of the major glaciers in the us have shown an overall drop in mass since the 1950s and 1960s and an accelerated rate of decline in recent years. An ice cap covered Mt. Hood during the Ice Age, from about 1.8 million years ago to about 10,000 years ago. These ice caps covered the Oregon Cascades, a series of mountains in Oregon, with glaciers going down on the east and west sides of the range. These glaciers melted into smaller glaciers as the weather proceeded to get warmer... ...ollapsed, but the Nile continued to grow and Great Britain took control of the Nile in the 19th century. Around 60 years ago the Africans gained control of the Nile. Rivers and fields affected the people who lived in the Fertile Crescent throughout the years because of the fertile soil and water. Many people lived in the Fertile Crescent and prospered from the fertile soil by growing an abundance of crops. Once it was abandoned, the Fertile Crescent became cracked soil and vacant land. Works Cited "Service Interruption." Do Glaciers Affect People? NSIDC, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. "Glaciers in Oregon | Oregon Encyclopedia - Oregon History and Culture." Glaciers in Oregon | Oregon Encyclopedia - Oregon History and Culture. Portland State University, 2008-2013. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. "Fertile Crescent." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., 2009-2013. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Company Director’s Duties
A company director is a person that has been appointed by shareholders or other directors to act in accordance with the Companies Articles of Association. The position of director is extremely sensitive. This is because one ought be fully aware of all their obligations, responsibilities and duties. In view of this, the UK government passed the Companies Act of 2006 to set out duties of the company director. (Butterworths Company, 2008) Company director’s duties at Common law The Company director’s duties were laid in previous legislations. However, in the year 2006, the UK parliament decided to codify these duties and also at the same time establish some new aspects to these obligations. According to common law, the company director was expected to accommodate employee interests. This was largely because it could heighten success within any respective company when implemented. Most of the companies that adhered to this principle would eliminate or reduce cases of litigation. (Kluwer, 2006) How it was codified Codification of company directors’ duties occurred as a result of the company reform Bill that was proposed in November 2005. The purpose of the Bill was to modernise company law. This is because in the past, the duties of the company director were mainly laid out in case law. This left a lot of room for speculation as some of these duties were not well explained. These included issues about auditor’s liability, accountability, transparency and rules governing private companies. The Bill was then passed into law as the Company Act 2006. It should be noted that this new law is not simply a new creation, instead it has merged previous case law with statutory provisions. In summary, the codification of company director’s duties creates a venue for making company directors exercise diligence, care, skill and independent judgement. The company director should look out for the interests of consumers, employees, and the environment in general. It should be noted that such an approach was not prevalent in the previous case laws. Now company directors need to watch out for the emission of pollutant gases and increased waste emission to the environment. (Thiaray, 2006) Codification of director’s duties was also created for the purpose of clearly outlining the rules governing this role. This is because company directors can now have an understanding of their boundaries in simple language. This is especially so owing to the fact that the codification forbids benefiting out of company profitability. This means that company directors should operate within a given moral code. This also ascertains that most of the company shareholders are also able to understand the code. Consequently, company directors who choose to break it may find themselves in larger levels of problems than those who do not do the same. The following are the duties as laid out in the new statute; †¢ the duty to consider all relevant issues when acting on behalf of the company †¢ the duty to abide by company decisions and laws †¢ the duty to treat company property as a separate entity from the company director’s or shareholders’ †¢ the duty to record decisions made by the company director †¢ the duty to apply special skills and improve one’s knowledge about one’s company †¢ the duty to take up responsibility for assigning work to organisational members the duty to avoid potential conflicting scenarios between the director and the company. When this is inevitable, the company director must inform others of these conflicts immediately †¢ the duty to seek counsel from other individuals outside the company- the latter is specifically applicable to financially challenging situations (Hannigan & Prentice, 2007) According to the Minister for industry and the Reg ions, this codification represents a shift from common law in one major way; it presents a unification of obligations to the shareholder and to the public. In the past, shareholder’s interests were considered contradictory to company director’s duties because it was assumed when the company director was trying to protect the interests of shareholders, he would have to forego environmentalists rights and the interests of the general public. However, with introduction of the new law, now the two interests can be merged to work as one. The minister also asserted that the statute reflected a new method of doing business because it employed business sense. Overly, this new Act is trying to highlight how companies can incorporate social responsibilities into their way of business. The law had made provisions for suing company directors. However, owing to the fact the very few shareholders often conduct litigations against their bosses, then chances are that shareholders will not choose that option. The statute states that company directors are answerable to the company in case they breach their duties. However, it should be noted that a substantial amount of shareholders rarely conduct litigations against their company director. Reece & Ryan, 2007) The law has also assisted in the process of clarifying how the company director should act in case of a difficult decision making process. According to the statement of duties, the company director is supposed to consider the interests of the company rather than his own interests. It should be noted that there is a distinct difference between company dependants and company shareholders. Besid es that, the Act also lays out some specific issues that need to be incorporated in the decisions making process. There are numerous players that can be affected by the company director’s choice. Consequently, company directors who follow the latter provisions are likely to heighten their chances of success than those who do not. It should be noted that success in this case is measured by a company’s achievement of its long term objectives. The latter are usually laid out at the inception of the company or are revised by shareholders as they continue with their operations. Additionally, the statute talks about company directors ensuring that their words are often documented. It should be noted here that this requirement is not forced upon the company director; instead it merely prompts him. Precedent case The particular duty chosen for study in this case is the duty to consider all the relevant issues when acting on behalf of the company. . The case chosen for analysis is BAE vs. the state 2006. The latter company BAE was a supplier of war planes. In this particular case, it had been contracted by Saudi Arabia to supply those commodities to them. However, the BAE company was found to have involved itself in corruption. The company director who acted on behalf of the firm did not consider all the issues surrounding the reception of bribes. In order to secure the contract to supply Saudi Arabia with warplanes, the latter utilised bribery to secure the contract. This has the capability of affecting the whole of the United Kingdom. Saudi Arabia was providing assistance to Britain in its effort towards fighting terrorism. However, upon hearing the news of BAE company’s decision, Saudi Arabia was angered and therefore discontinued their provision of aid to Britain. (Lorie, 2006) It should be noted that the Attorney general decided to cancel the inquires placed upon the representatives of that company especially the company director. This decision to halt inquiries was done secretly and it made it appear as though companies did not adhere to the duties of the company director. Many people asserted that the case brought into question a conflict between the rule of law and public interest. It should be noted that the latter two have been merged in the codification of company director’s duties. But before that codification, the latter two seemed very conflicting. This is exactly what took place here. There were differing opinions about whether the company’s directors’ breach of duty can be questioned before the law. However, the case brought out the fact that it can be difficult to implement this law especially when the case involves a large company. The situation was further aggravated by the fact that the nature of the business conducted by the company was rather sensitive, some of the analysts of the case claimed that the issue of arms supplies kind of grants immunity to the respective parties and makes it extremely easy for company directors to get away with wrong doings. However, other experts asserted that the company has lost public confidence owing to the fact that the case was not tried properly. The Attorney general who holds three dockets; government chief officer, politician and legal advisor, may have overstepped his boundaries by letting this company go without giving it the right to defend its name in the public. It should be noted that consumers will have serious doubts about the integrity of the company and whether they can approach it for business in the future. (Lorie, 2006) The codification of code company director’s duties also indicated the fact that a company director ought to consider all parties involved in a decisions; this refers to the shareholders and the public alike. However, before the code, the major emphasis was on shareholder’s interests alone. Consequently, the effect was that case law was a mere regulator rather than an implementer of the company directors duties. This means that when one commits a business crime as a company director, then they are not susceptible to face the full force of the law. In fact, the codification has assisted in laying out clear violations as some people may have problems ironing out what affects them and what does not. Overly, the latter case was never tried. Consequently, it is difficult to determine whether the respective director would have been made accountable for his crimes or whether he would have been set free. What one can conclude about this particular case is the fact that company directors tend to act with immunity. The UK government has a serious challenge of instituting the rule of law with regard to wealthy individuals like the one under trial. Buckley, 2005) Conclusion The codification of company director’s duties was done in order to iron out some grey areas in this aspect. Additionally, it was done to ascertain that company directors act within the confines of economic and social responsibility. Company directors can no longer feign ignorance as a result of the complexities of such an approach. Also, they are likely to be ea sily detected in case they act poorly. Despite the latter positives, the UK government is still faced with a number of challenges in this sector. Some of the negatives that can emanate from the latter law are related to fear of looking for alternative solutions to problems plaguing a company. It is also possible that some people may be discouraged from vying for the post of company director due to these numerous rules. On top of that, the new laws do not match laws on punishing non compliance. The latter are still the same old methods that ere used in the past. This means that implementation of the company Act 2006 may be very difficult.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Benefits of Breastfeeding Essay
It’s amazing how all creation have been endowed with built-in capabilities to procreate and sustain its progenies. It is said that â€Å"there are 4,000 species of mammals†and each kind produces a distinctive sort of milk for their young (Ruth Lawrence, M. D. , professor of pediatrics and obstetrics, in Williams, accessed in the Internet last February 27, 2007, http://www. fda. gov/Fdac/features/895_brstfeed. html ). Given that, the natural food for an infant is its mother’s milk. Human milk is custom-built for human babies and enough to meet all the dietary needs of a suckling babe. It is an established fact that years of research on the efficacy of breast milk making it perfectly suitable to provide nourishment to infants and basically protect them from illness. In comparison to bottle-fed babies, the former have decreased rates of admissions or hospitalizations, infections related to the ear, rashes and allergies, diarrhea, and a host of other medical concerns (Williams, accessed in the Internet last February 27, 2007,http://www. fda. gov/Fdac/features/895_brstfeed. html) . This paper examines and proposes the manifold benefits of breastfeeding both for the infant and its mother, its historicity, and society’s role in its practice as well the risks when mother is exposed to questionable lifestyle or substance use-whether legal or illegal. II. Review of Related Literature Despite its popularity and very common occurrence in various parts of the globe, breastfeeding is a subject frequently being researched. In a compendium on this matter, Cadwell and others brought together information on the incidence, and other studies to present a realistic picture of the importance and condition of the breastfeeding in America (Calandro & Marcus in Cadwell et al article, 2003). Historically, this maternal activity is unquestionably a norm or an everyday occurrence of early Americans. According to Cadwell and other writers however, this is no longer the situation. Breastfeeding moms are fast becoming an â€Å"endangered species†so to speak. This team among others, are convinced that a resurgence of the breast feeding practice is most needful, and education’s place in promoting breastfeeding. In addition to the many positive effects of breastfeeding, recent study published by the La Leche League International focuses on the OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) occurrence (Palmer, 1999). Findings revealed that breastfeeding and the longer a baby is breastfed lowers the incidence of this disorder. III. Historicity and Occurrence of Breastfeeding Culture and society shape people’s values to a large extent. They shape attitude early on those developmental stages. Family, teachers and friends greatly have their effects on other people’s beliefs about what are those ways that are acceptable and are not (Canahuati et al, 1999. http://www. waba. org. my/wbw/wbw99/foldereng99. htm). Many in the research field say that ninety-nine (99%) percent of human history has been known to have breast milk as the primary or sole food until two years of age. There is common knowledge also that this practice of infant nursing even continues for more than those two years (______ in Small, last accessed in the Internet, February 27, 2007). However, culture and society slowly evolved until the norm became non-existent almost. Today, in first world countries mainly, the women now choose the option to nurse or breastfeed – the ready solution to feeding a baby has become to bottle-feed them. And this beside the avalanche of information that reach mothers, many women still choose to introduce formula which all agree as an artificial substitute (Matusiak, 2005). This was actually introduced around the 1860s in the U. S. and in Europe with advertisements persuading women to purchase what might well be the scientific discovery of the day at the same time convincing its customers they are paying for the most perfect substitute for mother’s milk (Matusiak, 2005). It is true that culture is most influential when the choice to breastfeed is taken or not. To date, there are various intricacies where culture and the choice to breastfeed are involved. Matusiak in his study on A Cultural Perspective of the Feeding Habits said that â€Å"In all cultures there exist a number of factors and beliefs not directly related to breastfeeding that nevertheless affect women’s decisions on how to feed their children†(Matusiak, 2005). They include feeding habits – when to feed and when not to feed – and also the duration (one year or less for instance) of nursing the child. This even includes the feeding position – the cultural differences that influence the mother to decide what she has been taught to do. This goes to mean that mothers hand over to their children what they usually practice. In addition, it undeniably true also that whenever one mother decides to breastfeed, society almost always dictate to a large degree this decision made by women. In Pakistani society for example, male children are more preferred at than the female children. So much so that when a mother gave birth to twins, the male child was breastfed while the infant daughter was given the formula (Matusiak, 2005). Again to quote Matusiak â€Å"The cultural aspects of what roles the male and female play complicates the issue. As seen, societies that favor a male over a female, as in some developing countries, tend to have the male breastfed, while the female gets the artificial breast-milk. While more developed countries are struggling with the emergence of a strong, self-willed female population†(Matusiak, 2005).
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