Thursday, November 28, 2019
Analysis Of The Time Machine Essays - The Time Machine, Morlock
Analysis Of The Time Machine The Time Machine by H.G. Wells is considered a classic in todays literary community. I also believe that this novel is a good book. It was an interesting story the first time I studied it, and I have found new ideas each time I have read it since. It is amazing that such a simple narrative could have so many complex ideas. Unfortunately, some do not take the same position that I do. They cast it off as a silly little novel that deserves no merit. Obviously I disagree with these critics. The Time Machine follows the criteria that I believe a good novel should have. A good novel should include an element of fantasy and should stimulate ideas in the audience that they never came to realize before. The aspect of good versus evil should also be incorporated into a novel, mainly to capture the readers attention. If readers find themselves rooting for a particular character or set of characters against another, they become involved in the novel. The characters should also be realistic so th e audience can relate to them. The Time Machine follows these criteria with few exceptions. Why should this novel be looked at now, 100 years after it was written? The Time Machine is a science fiction novel that has a much different view of the future than the view that is commonly held today. Modern society foresees the future as a technologically advanced society that would make our present society look primitive. Many movies today portray this view of the future. Wellss view of the future is the antithesis to the one that is held today. The regression of society is rarely discussed as the future. The idea that human beings have reached their progressive and evolutionary peak could be an actuality. The Time Machine could be a possibility for the future despite the universal belief that humans still have a long way to progress. Neither technology nor peacefulness exists in the future that The Time Machine portrays. Wells apparently has a grim outlook for what society will evolve to in the future. Wells introduces a meta-utopia or a dystopian future, which is, to say the least, a radically unique idea. A meta-utopian society is one that regresses instead of progresses. The protagonist of the book, the Time Traveller, builds a time machine and travels to the year 802,701. The landscape that he relates to the reader is a heap of granite, bound together by masses of aluminum, which were obviously old buildings that had been demolished. The Time Traveller encounters two races of regressed human beings the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are frail creatures, no taller than four feet. They pass their time frolicking in the fields. They do not seem to be interested in the continuous pursuit of intellectual advance or technological progress which would assuredly make their lives much easier. Unlike the Eloi, the Morlocks are subterranean creatures. They are carnivorous, cannot tolerate the daylight and they feed upon the helpless Eloi at night, whom they breed like cattle. These two races seem to be manifestations of human characteristics that would only be harmful. The Eloi represent those who live off of human emotion and activity, and are plagued by premature decrepitness and degeneration. They survive off the hard work of others. The Morlocks represent an industrialized society in a negative fashion. They are slovenly, unaesthetic and lack a sense of beauty needed to appreciate life. Wellss believes that these traits would lead to a degeneration of society. While these concepts are new and different to those who read Wellss novel, the main idea that revolutionized science fiction was the introduction of the time machine. The time machine has become a staple in the science fiction genre. Many movies incorporate the idea of a vehicle that can move the characters years ahead or behind the present. The time machine is integral to the fantasy aspect of the story. A fantasy is fiction made up on highly imaginative or fanciful character and premise. Many would jump at the opportunity to travel to anyplace in time. Knowing whats going to happen in the future and being able to change
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Ensure Safety And Security Within Suburbs Social Policy Essays
Ensure Safety And Security Within Suburbs Social Policy Essays Ensure Safety And Security Within Suburbs Social Policy Essay Ensure Safety And Security Within Suburbs Social Policy Essay The sense of security and wellbeing that gated communities provide for their occupants far out-weigh any negative effects on the broader urban community. Discourse this claim. Contemporary gated communities were ab initio found in the United States, and have spread throughout the universe to guarantee safety and security within suburbs, chiefly dividing the rich from the hapless. As Minton ( 2009, p.61 ) inside informations, gated communities are non merely an American phenomenon, they flourish in states with utmost wealth inequalities and societal divisions, such as South America, South Africa and parts of south-east Asia, India and China, where societies were exposed to extreme capitalist economy. A gated community is a signifier of residential community or lodging estate incorporating purely controlled entrywaies, and are frequently characterised by a closed margin of walls and fencings. In some cases within the confines of these communities, there may be fitness Centres, shopping Centres, pools, lakes or other recreational activities. These bastioned enclaves are frequently occupied by the upper-class who wish to see a peaceable scene, accompanied by a sense of security. Gated communities can be found all over the Earth and can be established for several different grounds dependent upon the location, societal economic position every bit good as its yesteryear and present political history in some instances. For illustration, gated communities in South Africa will function a different intent than those located in America or Australia. One factor that is common amongst most community gardens is that they provide a higher criterion of place quality and stricter edifice codifications that promote uniformity in design ( Jurgens A ; Gnad 2001, p.351 ) . The pick of an person to busy a belongings in a gated community reflects certain issues that may be associated with the country such as offense, larceny, traffic, and in some cases a loss of sense of community. These communities besides create a scarceness consequence, with by and large merely a few places going available for sale at the same clip. Some residents may have one belonging s for personal usage, every bit good as having several others to lease out for and investing. There are a figure of grounds why persons feel the demand to travel into gated communities. Blakely and Snyder survey ( cited in Grant A ; Mittelsteadt 2004, p.915 ) , identified three types of gated communities ; lifestyle, prestigiousness and security zone communities. These classs represent the ideal types that serve peculiar markets. The lifestyle typology of gated communities emphasizes common comfortss and caters to a leisure category with shared involvements. This type of enclave may appeal to those who have entered retirement and necessitate certain age related composites. They besides frequently feature golf classs or state nines. The gated community that is referred as holding a prestigiousness label by Blakely and Snyder ( Grant A ; Mittelsteadt 2004 ) reflects desire for image, privateness and control. They reflect wealth and category within the greater community. This type of community focal points on exclusivity over community, and merely contains minimum shared installations. The prestigiousness enclave will by and large be used by the rich and celebrated or the upper in-between category of society, that wish to hold restricted entree with the extra pick of restrained security. These enclaves are frequently located in premier existent estate locations. The concluding type of community that Blakely and Snyder ( Grant A ; Mittelsteadt 2004 ) refer to as security zones, reflect countries that are associated with heavy offense, and are normally located within less developed and less socio economic communities. These bastioned suburban communities reflect a strong sense of fright and, as Durington ( 2009, p.73 ) inside informations, are characterised by a figure of security setups including roar Gatess, high walls, razor wires, electric fencings, ever-present guards and are connected with armed response security companies. The one job that is associated with high security zones is that they cause a break to the traffic flow that was one time able to go freely through these suburbs, therefore impacting the broader urban community negatively. In less developed parts of the universe such as South Africa, the usage of a gated community is different to the manner that a more developed part uses them for. In a survey conducted by ( Jurgens A ; Gnad 2001, p.339 ) there are a figure of graphs bespeaking the development of offense in South Africa over about a 25 twelvemonth period. It displays three graphs, the first indicating assault and robbery, the 2nd indicating colza and slaying, and the 3rd depicting break-in and a larceny of motor vehicles. All the graphs from the survey display an upward, increasing tendency, bespeaking that the figure of violent incidents happening is obviously non worsening. Now more than of all time, South Africans are experiencing a sense of insecurity. Well over half of the population in South Africa experience very insecure in their night-time residential country and merely a one-fourth feel very safe in their daytime residential countries ( Lemanski 2005, p.400 ) . These consequences collected from a figure of studies indicate why there is an increasing tendency of gated communities emerging in South Africa and developing states. Blakely and Snyder s ( 1997 ) theory of the different types of gated communities in the US, can be built upon, and the type of enclave referred to as a security zone can be applied to the state of affairs that is present in South Africa. An addition in politically motivated agitation of the black population against the apartheid system in the mid 1980s has triggered a paranoia of personal insecurity and political uncertainness every bit good as the development of assorted building steps designed to protect citizens in preponderantly white metropoliss ( Jurgens A ; Gnad 2001, p.339 ) . This sense of insecurity has encouraged the production and outgrowth of gated communities in South Africa. A bulk of the dwellers in these enclaves are occupied by the white upper category demographic, nevertheless as the research conducted by Taleb ( Durington 2009, p.74 ) provinces, Durban is alone, and has one of the lone gated communities populated to a great extent by Indians. By holding a racia l and cultural mix within a community can impact the community negatively, and can take to differences or force within a community therefore, get the better ofing the intent of why they were originally established. Gated communities in South Africa are frequently used to suit the on the job category or people who play of import functions within the authorities, or in some cases even going concern work forces who require a safe and unafraid topographic point for adjustment. The tendency of gated communities emerging has created increased occupation chances for the wider populace. It has been implied ( Grant and Mittelsteadt 2004 ) that developers see gated undertakings as an of import niche selling scheme in a competitory environment, by aiming consumers that are seeking for community, individuality, and security. It besides produces chances for companies involved in private security and substructure such as security guards, fence, Gatess, and so on. Whilst the constabulary can be trusted and effectual in most of the developed parts around the Earth, this is non the instance with topographic points such as South Africa. Basically, as Durington ( 2009, p.77 ) stated there is a general perceptual experience that the constabulary are non effectual in forestalling offense and that they are reactive instead than proactive. Due to scarce Numberss, the constabulary are by and large more occupied by life endangering offenses, instead than policing a gated comm unity. This is why there is a strong demand for private security within South Africa. The internal administration within a secure enclave is critical for its operation and the proprietors of belongings within a compound are obliged to stay by behavior regulations, which is the Sectional Titles Act of 1986 ( Jurgens A ; Gnad 2001, p.350 ) . This act implements regulations curtailing residents to modify their edifices in certain ways. Once an dweller purchases a belongings they are required to follow the regulations and ordinances. They are besides required to pay for the extra comfortss associated within the community such as disposal, nurserymans and security, and to boot as Webster and Lai ( Grant A ; Mittelsteadt 2004, p. 923 ) indicate, in some 3rd universe states, the private enclaves may supply H2O or other vital services which are non available from public governments. The usage of fright in the media is used as an plus in Durban, South Africa. As Durington ( 2009 ) provinces in his reading, sensational headlines depicting offense narrations fuel newspaper gross revenues and thrust place purchases in secured estates . Many occupants of gated communities live in one belongings but ain several more as investings which are frequently leased out to the populace. These fear tactics are working as people put their safety and wellbeing foremost in their lives. These tactics are besides being used all around the universe, and are normally used in political runs. The function and map of a gated community in more developed western states differs greatly, in contrast to those associated with the underdeveloped universe. Having a high security zone is still of import but is non every bit critical as many western states have stable authoritiess and lower offense rates which are less barbarous. Many of the enclaves which are established in wealthier states tend to fall into the typography that Blakely and Snyder s survey ( cited in Grant A ; Mittelsteadt 2004 ) refer to as lifestyle and prestige gated communities. The primary focal point within these enclaves is on the exclusivity, community, shared installations and leisure instead than security guards being on patrol around the streets. In Australia, some of the characteristics that attracted occupants to gated communities was the handiness to public conveyance and installations such as pools, tennis tribunals, paseos, every bit good as restricted entree to the enclaves understating the hazar d of autos rushing or as Kenna ( 2010 ) describes vehicles hooning past occupants houses. Concentrating on an Australian context, the sense of security that is wanted by occupants does nt necessitate to be to the same extent of that in South Africa. Australia faces junior-grade offenses such as graffito, hooliganism, housebreakings. Kenna ( 2010 ) continues to explicate that there was a drug flop in Macquarie Links, a gated community, which is located in the Sydney metropolitan part around 30 km south-west of Sydney Central Business District ( CBD ) . This is uncomparable to the offenses which occur in less developed parts of the universe where force, colza, auto jackings, slaying and assault are following an increasing tendency. On a local graduated table Adelaide contains gated communities as good. Some may non look to hold a direct correlativity to the specific features of what is described as a gated community, such as incorporating a noticeable fencing and gate, but they are still exclusionary infinites, with restricted traffic flow and incorporate a community atmosphere. Mawson Lakes can be described as a gated community within Adelaide, South Australia. It contains one primary entryway with Mawson Lakes printed upon a welcoming wall and creates a distinguishable barrier of the enclave by strategic arrangements of trees environing the propinquity. Whilst there is no prevailing gate excepting the general public upon come ining, the Mawson Lakes web site ( 2011 ) inside informations that it contains installations such as shopping composites, eating houses, unfastened infinites, athleticss and recreational activities, every bit good as a robust public transit system. These are all characteristics that Bla kely and Snyder ( Grant A ; Mittelsteadt 2004 ) refer to as the features that contribute to doing a gated community. Many of the bastioned enclaves established around Australia use a different method of disincentive to seek and avoid unwanted individual from come ining upon natural inherent aptitude. Alternatively of environing the enclave with blazing security mechanisms, the expressed show of wealth can be used as an effectual hindrance impeding the person s determination devising procedure by uncertainty as to rights of entree ( Rofe 2006, p.316 ) . Chiefly this technique is used to make a segregation with the external populace and to make an exclusionary infinite chiefly for those who are involved within the communities such as Macquarie Links and Mawson Lakes. Some other Techniques that can be used to carry through this sense of an exclusionary infinite is the usage of lakes or rivers environing an enclave instead than a fencing. This can be seen in many constitutions located around the West Lakes precinct in South Australia, where the traffic flow is limited due to complex street programs wit h many dead terminals to promote one primary entry and issue point to entree the development. With gated communities comes some minor negatives which impact the greater urban community more than those who are populating within the enclave. Obviously, gated communities have a really unsafe societal consequence. Gating Acts of the Apostless as a boundary line between the public and private systems and helps to break up a metropolis, and as stated by Grant A ; Mittelsteadt ( 2004, p.926 ) in the largest enclaves, occupants may virtually splinter from public life outside . In many instances the general populace are denied entree to public substructures and infinites when the Gatess are locked. Additionally, there are divisions between those outside and those inside the Gatess. As the article,Effectss of Gated Communities on the Surrounding Community( 2010 ) explains, economic disparities can happen within a secured community due to the money circling within the Gatess doing less opportunity for growing and development for the outside community, which may do several arguments to originate. These bastioned enclaves can besides hold a negative impact on belongings values around the neighbouring belongingss. The ground why these gated communities are so hard to seek blessing for is due to a figure of grounds, many of which affect the general populace. Some of the grounds are due to the limitations that affect public traffic, obstructions for fire brigades and exigency services, waste aggregation, and public public-service corporations such as H2O and electricity supply ( Jurgens A ; Gnad 2001, p.343 ) . Additionally, the general populace has expressed their concern in several topographic points about the image of gated communities. A bulk of the population see gated communities as, ugly or primitive, along with being a violation of public infinite, and doing isolation from one s neighbors, and it has been expressed that people walking about certain gated communities can experience under threat ( Hirt A ; Petrovic 2010, p.16 ) . An addition in the sense of insecurity in certain parts of the universe has driven the development of gated communities. These bastioned enclaves bring significant benefits for those involved and merely impact the broader urban community on a minor graduated table. In the development states, with high barbarous offense rates, gated communities can be in many instances the difference between life and decease. These enclaves use major security setup to protect those who are within the walls. If the residents are willing to pay for the sense of security, they should non be criticised for making so. However, in developed states, where there are chiefly petty offenses such as graffito, hooliganism or robberies, such as Australia, gated communities should be kept to a bare lower limit. In the Australian context, these enclaves should non let to be surrounded by a big fencing, coercing more sub developments to be established, instead than specific gated communities. There is non a signific ant sum of offense that warrants these types of enclosed communities to be developed within Australia. The benefits associated with gated communities in high offense rate, and low socio economic countries decidedly outweigh the negatives that are placed upon the wider urban community and should be permitted to be established where necessary.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
BUSINESS CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
BUSINESS - Case Study Example Hence, this proposal is being submitted to the management of the company with the express purpose of convincing them to ramp up their online presence. The annual turnover of the book industry runs into billions of dollars and the leading retailers like Amazon, Borders, eBay etc have cornered the lion’s share of the market. This proposal seeks to present a case for an online book store that is modelled along the lines of Amazon and with the proposed online version selling physical book as well as e-books. The proposal also covers selling used books and customised books for a specific kind of reader software that is necessary to view and read e-books. The need for this project grew out of the business objectives that were proposed by the management namely that of increasing revenues without diversifying too much away from the core competency of selling books. This proposal is written in a business report format with the summary of the project, the alternative options, the timelines for the project and the expected benefits from the same. A final justification for the project is also provided in the concluding section of the paper. It is hoped that the management of Borders would consider this proposal and the project being considered for the stated objectives as enunciated by them. Borders is a well established book seller and retailer that commands a place in the Top Five book sellers in the United States. Worldwide, Borders has a significant footprint in the way in which it has franchisees and resellers who sell books procured from Borders. The project that is being proposed would involve setting up of the online bookstore that would cover the areas of selling books (physical), e-books and used books. These formats of books are already being sold by Borders with the exception of the e-books. Hence, the proposed project would entail additional costs of setting up the website and the warehouse to stock books along
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Application of ERP within a particular sector or type of organisation Essay
Application of ERP within a particular sector or type of organisation - Essay Example It goes a long into maintaining the businesses production and competitive edge while most businesses are struggling to produce. In this paper, various case studies on the applications of ERP will be discussed. It is proposed that more should be considered in the implementation process; careful transition management, bureaucracy, network organization and most importantly culture readiness. Management should prepare the employees so that the transition is smooth and successful. Data collected was secondary. Lessons on how ERP helped curb organizational problems is discussed and explained in depth. Recommendations and possible solutions are provided too (Al-Mudimigh 2001). ERP systems usually organize a company’s resource accordingly in order to render them profitable, efficient and productive. This study focuses on the stages that should be applied in instilling the appropriate strategies in most organizations for the purpose of implementing Enterprise Resource Planning. In organizations where this strategy is embraced, enormous and distinguished performance is perceived. If this is the case, it denotes that inevitable and dramatic failures have being too vivid due to the strongholds resistances for the change. It is a common issue when making any implementation of the operation of a company or any organization, resistance happens to be a barrier from the working mate amongst other barriers. These impediments may at-most end up sabotaging the change that was intended and counteract innovation and creativity. Employee’s environment plays a critical role in gauging the level of productivity for any firm it being profit oriented or non-pro fit oriented. This study cultivates on the challenges encountered with implementation of ERP and the prospective approaches for dealing with them (Strauss 2000). Service companies as well are in demand of the use of ERP services in their day to day operations (Davenport
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Public Relations - Essay Example This paper will explain societal and organizational functions of PR, citing an example of an issue from an organization. It will further explain how the example used would be addressed both on societal and organizational levels. American Apparel is a youth attire brand in the United States that employs the services of professional designers, marketers and managers. Being among the top homegrown brands, the organization betrayed the loyalty of their customers as well as its corporate responsibility by taking advantage of a disaster and using it to market its products. During the event of Hurricane Sandy, the organization sent an email blast encouraging retailers to shop online within a 36-hour period and get a 20 percent discount. The marketing effort turned into an insult when it suggested that the customers were bored after being trapped in their homes by the hurricane, hence it was offering an escape from boredom. The PR officials had done a poor job in their social functions, beca use property and life had been destroyed, with millions of the trapped victims left without electrical power to even get online, yet no apology was offered for the offensive email blast. Societal functions of PR stipulate that public opinion about an organization must be gauged by analyzing what appears online, on the air and in print (Broom, Allen & Scott, 1994). The PR officials should issue press releases on company news, communicate with journalists on industry trends and establish the organization as a responsible player in the industry. Reputation should also be managed online through interactions with prospects and existing customers via social media websites. Conversations should be created by posting updates, responding and commenting to questions or complaints. Despite knowledge of these responsibilities, the marketing director and PR manager at American Apparel did not respond to the huge public outcry about their poor choice of marketing strategy. Customers responded to the email claiming never to visit the stores again, and urging whoever came across the email to spread the same word. This could have devastating effects on the existence of the organization. Innocent employees who had nothing to do with the posting of the email will be traumatized by the comments being made about the organization as a whole, with a negative impact on performance. Those with friends and relatives that were victims of the hurricane may be affected more. If the customers carry out their threats of never visiting the stores again, shutting down would be inevitable. Within the society, the organization would be viewed as being very socially irresponsible. At a time when everyone expects them to join in salvaging a disaster affecting the most critical element of stakeholders, the customers, the firm uses it to market. Organizational functions of PR require the PR manager to share the organizational goals and vision with their internal audience, which includes shareholder s and employees, and seek their feedback (Broom, Allen & Scott, 1994). Open communication increases shareholder satisfaction and employee engagement through uniting an organization in its quest of collective goals via a common identity. Crises can be managed by preparing and sharing response strategies in advance and updating shareholders and
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Marketing Research Project on Pepsi
A Marketing Research Project on Pepsi Pepsi Cola was first made in the 1893 by pharmacist Caleb Bradham in New Bern, North Carolina. Initially Pepsi was introduced as Brads Drink by Bradham in 1898 and was made at Brahams pharmacy where the drink was also sold. Later, Bradham changed its named to Pepsi Cola, due to the enzyme pepsin and kola nuts used in the recipe. In 1903 Pepsi-Cola was officially registered with the U.S. Patent Office. Today Pepsi Cola is manufactured by PepsiCo. PepsiCo is a world leader in convenient snacks, foods and beverages. Currently PepsiCo is the number 2 manufacturer in soft drinks behind Coca Cola, number one in snacks and number one in juices. PepsiCo has revenues of $40 billion a year with beverages contributing to less than 50% of that revenue. Market Segmentation Early in its history, Pepsi understood market segmentation and the importance of having consumers to advertise to that arent locked into a specific product yet. Pepsi realized in the 1940s that African Americans were an untapped niche market. At the time Pepsi was able to gain market share by targeting and advertising towards African Americans which they have continued to do. Today Pepsi markets its product to younger people. The idea behind marketing towards younger people is to lock them into their product throughout their life. Pepsi realizes that their beverages will continued to be bought by customers as they get older so they are trying to build a strong customer base by marketing to 14-30 year old males and females. Pepsi markets to all social backgrounds of all educational and occupational backgrounds. Pepsi customers are loyal to their products as they can easily switch to an alternative beverage and these customers are both aware and interested in the products Pepsi has to offer. Market Size/Characteristics The market size of the soft drink industry has been changing. It decreased in early 2000s, and is now increasing into the 2010s. The market has shown an increase in both sports and energy drinks. Currently, the total market value of soft drinks in the United States is $60 billion. As of 2009, Pepsi-Cola had sales of $18 billion trailing only behind Coca Cola in the United States. Soft drink consumption has a market share of 46.8% within the non-alcoholic drink industry in the United States where the total market value of soft drinks over $307.2 billion globally. Market Share Data from Beverage Digests 2008 report on Carbonated Soft Drinks has shown that PepsiCos U.S. market share is 31 percent while rival Coca-Cola Companys is nearly 45 percent percent. Overall, Coca-Cola outsells Pepsi in almost all areas of the world, few exceptions. Below is a graphical representation of United States soft drink market share from 2008. Brand Product Attributes From the Pepsi Cola website they explain how with all of the different Pepsi products available that there is something for everyone. Pepsis brands are very popular not only in the United States, but all over the world and are enjoyed by everyone. The product Pepsi offers from its colas are sweet, delicious, less carbonated than its rival Coca Colas. Pepsis Mountain Dew product is even less carbonated than its Colas and is of very sweet tasting, marketed towards the younger populations. The Gatorade products Pepsi manufacturers are global leaders in sports drinks and provide a delicious tasting beverage with a lot of electrolytes for athletes losing fluids in a hard workout or a competition. The teas and waters manufactured by Pepsi are refreshing and a tasty alternative to the carbonated beverages. Product Mix The product mix of Pepsi is one which is very wide and very deep. The width of Pepsi products come from all of the different types of products Pepsi sells which include carbonated soft drinks, waters, energy drinks, teas, juices, ready to drink coffees, and sports drinks. The depth of Pepsi Cola comes from the numerous Pepsi brands in each type of product. Pepsi has big brands in each product category. Some of the large brands in each category include: Carbonated Soft Drinks Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Sierra Mist Waters Aquafina, Sobe Energy Drinks Amp, No Fear Teas Lipton Brisk, Iced Tea Juice Drinks Dole, Ocean Spray Dairy-Based Drinks Sobe Ready to Drink Coffees Starbucks Sports Drinks Gatorade, G2 Pepsi-Cola is leading selling beverage for Pepsi in North America and the world. Mountain Dew contributes greatly to Pepsis sales and has a large presence in the North American soft drink market. Below is a graphical representation of the Pepsi-Cola North American Product Mix. Product Strategy The strategy of Pepsi can be taken right from a quote off of the Pepsi website which reads: Pepsi is constantly on the lookout for ways to ensure their consumers get the products they want, when they want them and where they want them. From this quote one can easily recognize that it is important to Pepsi to produce good tasting products that are distributed all over and easy to purchase. Pepsi and its products can be seen everywhere and this is important to them as they have so many different products. Pepsi has products that are alternatives for each other and this allows them to have such a great presence in the soft drink market and have large percentages in the market share. Product Life Cycle Product life cycle is the stages a product goes through from its introduction, to growth, its maturity, and then its decline. The Pepsi Company, although it has a lot of mature product in its colas and other soft drinks, it still has some growth. A lot of the growth of Pepsi is due to the newly popular energy drinks which it produces and the sports drinks. The new products Pepsi is producing each year give me reason to believe it is not quite at maturity, but is at the top of the grown stage in its product life cycle. This diagram helps illustrate where Pepsi currently is in its life cycle. Product Development and Innovation The Pepsi Company website writes, The Pepsi Company continues to innovate, creating new products, new flavors and new packages in varying shapes and sizes to meet the growing demand for convenience and healthier choices. The way Pepsi develops products and innovates is by offering new different tasting beverages. Pepsi has come out with numerous different soft drinks, and has added many other products to their product mix. Other types of beverages including energy drinks, juices, and sports drinks are ways in which Pepsi has been innovative and the different flavors it comes out with ever years shows the development of Pepsi. Pepsis latest innovation is adding three new products which are considered to be a throwback to the 1960s and 1970s. Pepsi Natural, Pepsi Throwback, and Mountain Dew Throwback will all be sold with these older logos and are all sweetened with natural sugar. These recipes date back to the 1960s and 197s and will be able to be purchased this month. Pricing The United States carbonated soft drink market is a mature market where the industry sales growth is largely driven by population growth and advertising. Product innovation is also taking place in the industry and is an important aspect of pricing in the market. Since there is a mature nature of the market both Pepsi and Coca Cola have resorted to price discrimination strategies to maximize the value of consumer demand. Price discrimination means that there will be different prices for the product in the different regions it is being sold. Pepsi, Coke or other soft drinks have similar prices and the price will vary slightly from place to place and depending on which packaging it is sold in. Distribution On February 26, 2010 the Pepsi Beverages Company (PBC) was formed when PepsiCo bought both of its largest distributors in the world. The Pepsi Beverages Company is made up of the Pepsi Bottling Group which worlds largest bottler of Pepsi-Cola beverages. The Pepsi Bottling Groups sales of Pepsi-Cola beverages accounted for more than one-half of the Pepsi-Cola beverages sold in North America. Pepsi Beverages Company is also made up of the former PepsiAmericas Company which was worlds second-largest bottler of Pepsi-Cola beverages and had19 bottling plants in the United States and had a presence in 16 other countries. PepsiCo and Pepsi-Cola now has much control over its bottling companies and the distribution of Pepsi Cola products. Pepsi products are distributed to stores all over, from small grocery marts to larger bulk warehouse stores, and through fountain drinks. Packaging In the United States Pepsi products are sold in plastic bottles and cans as well as dispensed through a fountain. The cans are packaged in 6 packs, 12 packs and cases of 24, 36 and 360. Pepsi also has bottles come in 1, 1.5, 2, and 3 liters. Energy drinks first sold in eight-ounce cans in the United States, but now are sold in similarly sized cans to the other soft drinks. The Pepsi packaging has been simple, containing a blue color, differing itself from the Coca Cola red. Pepsis packaging has not changed much until its new look in 2009 which it changed its logo and packaging in an attempt to distinguish itself and promote itself from the other colas as a cultural leader. Advertising Strategy Recently, cutting back on television Shifting to social media Website, Twitter, Facebook 2010: First time in 23 years without Superbowl Ad Younger generation Pop stars Movie stars Promotion Pepsi Challenge: Pepsi vs. Coke Pepsi Stuff: merchandise purchased with Pepsi Points Pepsi Refresh Project Pepsi brand is dedicating $20 million dollars a year Donations to local organizations Causes proposed by the public in health, arts and culture, the environment and education Media partners for the project include: AOL, Face book, Hulu and MTV Competitive Products Coca-Cola and Pepsi are the two most popular and widely recognized beverage brands in the world Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola Classic are the predominant carbonated cola beverages Coca-Cola is the original Pepsi tastes sweeter than Coca-Cola Coca-Cola has more carbonation than Pepsi depending on what region you are in Said that depending on where each one was made the amount of carbonation in them will be different, proving that neither Coca-Cola nor Pepsi have more carbonation than one another Both drinks are no longer seen as a beverage but mainly as a brand Both companies commit to sponsoring festivals and charitable projects in third world countries Marketing Approach Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi market as part of a life-style Pepsi tries to reach out to the younger generation by appealing to pop culture Pepsis Website: flashy pages containing social media links Coca-Colas website: less flashy and uses a classical appeal, promoting history of beverage
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Harmful Educational Tracking System Essay -- Education, Curriculum
In this day and age, the United States, leader of the free world, is not leading. Our economic system is failing. Even worse, our educational system falls short compared to other nations. Consequently, our literacy rate and mathematical abilities are far behind; and even more embarrassing is the fact that education is not doled out equally despite our rather relentless fight against inequality. When academic achievement is examined on the basis of race, class, and gender, widening academic gaps are evident. * If this continues, there will be nowhere to go but down, economically and educationally. In order to prevent this foreboding future, we must get rid of the practice behind it - Tracking. Tracking, or homogenous grouping, is a process in which groups of students are assigned to different sets of classes, or tracks, based on factors such as academic performance, teacher recommendation, and potential for acquiring more knowledge (Oakes 3; Gamoran and Mare 1152). Schools use tracking to determine class placement for students for optimal instruction. The placement of these students is, supposedly, meant to meet their varying needs. In some schools tracking is done based on subject, meaning a student can be a quick learner in math, but slow in language, etc (Lockwood 2; Oakes 3). While tracking can serve as an effective means of organization within a school, it also harbors many detrimental effects for students. This brings me to the purpose of this paper, that tracking is not a practice worth continuing and should be discontinued? Tracking must be terminated. In this paper, in order to understand why we must detrack, I will first examine tracking in terms of race and class. Second, I will consider the effects of tracking as... ...Web. 14 Oct. 2011. Page, Reba Neukom. Lower-Track Classrooms: A Curricular and Cultural Perspective. New York: Teachers College, 1991. Print Petrilli, Michael. â€Å"All Together Now? Educating High and Low Achievers in the Same Classroom.†Education Next 11.1 (2011): 48-55. Web. 4 Nov. 2011. Pool, Harbison, and Jane A. Page, eds. Beyond Tracking: Finding Success in Inclusive Schools. Bloomington, Indiana: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 1995. Print. Schofield, Janet Ward â€Å"International Evidence on Ability Grouping With Curriculum Differentiation and the Achievement Gap in Secondary Schools.†Teachers College Record 112.5 (2010):1492-1528. Wheelock, Anne. Alternatives To Tracking and Ability Grouping. Virginia: American Association of School Administrators, 1994. Print.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
To what extent is Chapter 1 of Sense and Sensibility a fitting introduction for the novel to come?
In this novel, Austen is setting out rules of conduct for women in a time when England was moving from a period a long stability to sudden and total change. Unless people knew how to behave, she thought, chaos would ensue. England was entering the Industrial Revolution, having just seen the French Revolution and the American War of Independence. A new literary style was sweeping the nation, one to which Austen was much opposed: Romanticism. A dichotomy had arisen from the popularity of Romanticism within the literary groups of the time. It is possible to label these two groups as ‘Sense' and ‘Sensibility'. (The Gothic style also came about at this time, championed by those who had suddenly discovered freedom [both literary and, in some cases, physical] with the fall of oppressive governments surrounding England – Austen also wrote anti-Gothic novels, like Northanger Abbey. ) Austen was definitely in support of ‘Sense', which this novel shows so clearly. Austen argues her case for sense over sensibility by polarising the main protagonists on the subject. Marianne represents sensibility in all its dramatic, baroque and over-the-top glory, whilst Elinor represents sense (not cold, emotionless logic, but a tactful reason about situations). Although Austen shows the reader the downsides of both poles, sensibility is harshly and heavily punished and in the end sense wins out when Elinor gets to marry the man she wants and Marianne gives up sensibility and accepts an unconvincing happy ending with a socially respectable result. Austen, then, is writing not a novel, but a book of behaviour for women in this tumultuous time, much in keeping with little girls' conduct books of the time. The first chapter so brilliantly allows for these developments later in the book by not mentioning them at all, or at least not until the closing paragraphs in which the reader is introduced to Elinor and Marianne. This first chapter is primarily concerned in setting up Austen's character in the book, that of satirical social commentator and moral guide. And this character is set up within the opening paragraph. Austen's behaviour as author in this chapter almost contradicts Elinor later on. The way the aristocratic Dashwood family interact with each other on human terms is mocked and pulled apart by Austen's scathing irony; these first paragraphs could almost be in defence of sensibility! Relationships are described in contractual terms: no longer is your son family, he is clientele; no longer do you love, you esteem. Family isn't about affection, its about affectation. Appearance and finance are all that matter on the Norland estate, respectability and wealth. People are spoken of in terms of utility and actions are taken for the sole purpose of acquiring wealth. Any affection shown with that is an added bonus, purely accidental and by no means essential to the relationship. There is one sentence at the end of the first paragraph in which are contained almost all of the social morays with which Austen holds qualm, and she makes her qualms clear with her irony and diction: â€Å"The constant attention of Mr. And Mrs. Henry Dashwood to his wishes, which proceeded, not merely from interest, but from goodness of heart, gave him every degree of solid comfort his heart could receive†. â€Å"The constant attention†, not constant affection, or even constant love, no, â€Å"constant attention†. They waited on him, served him as best they could to ensure a large chunk of inheritance, but not to worry, they did not do this â€Å"merely from interest, but from goodness of heart†. This sentence does not redeem their greed, but rather reinforces it, that â€Å"merely†adds dimensions to this sentence which implies that even if they were good of heart, they were still selfish and out for all the could get. Finally, the comfort they offer the old man is only â€Å"solid†, no more than materialistic. They do not enrich him spiritually or intellectually, only materially. Austen has now set out the rules for the following novel, without even bringing her protagonists to light. Austen is by far the most important character in the book, and her characterisation, therefore, is the most important. It is essential for the reader to know Austen before the reader knows Elinor or Marianne, or else the aim of this book to teach people how to behave would be lost. The fact that Austen seems to be pulling apart the social order whilst Elinor is in whole-hearted support for retaining the social order may seem perplexing, but I think a solution comes if one understands Austen as a person of moderation. She punishes Elinor also (though less harshly than Marianne) for being too restrained. In so many passages in the book there is an awful feeling of imprisonment on the part of Elinor as she is unable to do anything socially unacceptable. Therefore, there is contradiction between Austen and Elinor, but that is because Elinor is not Austen, she is not perfect or correct or a paragon of what Austen believes correct behaviour for a woman. Sense is supported, but room for emotion must be allowed or one is not human, says Austen, but cold and dead.
Friday, November 8, 2019
10 of the biggest challenges for administrative assistants on the job
10 of the biggest challenges for administrative assistants on the job Administrative assistants are often the unsung heroes of the workplace. They are the ones who keep the office running smoothly or the boss happy and well prepared to do her or his job. They can multitask, possess multiple skills, and must face a variety of expected and unexpected challenges. The ability to face down any challenge and set it right is one of the things that really separate the great administrative assistant from the good.When taking on such a position (or considering if this is the field for you), it is vital to be aware of the kinds of challenges that lay ahead of you. Are you up to the task? You should know before you dive in.Keeping CalmA major part of being an administrative assistant is- you guessed it- assisting someone. It’s right there in the job title. If you’re lucky, you’ll be assisting someone who is courteous, understanding, and patient. But that’s often not the case. A superior can be rude, impatient, unreasonable, or downright explosive.It is totally natural for such behavior to make you want to explode too, but the seasoned administrative assistant takes a deep breath and figures out how to navigate difficult personalities. This can be even trickier when the person you are assisting explodes in front of sensitive clients, because you will not only have to defuse your ranting superior but also smooth things over with the client. Basically, youre expected to be cool, collected, and professional at all times.Striving for PerfectionPeople who act cuckoo at work are more prone to make mistakes. That is a luxury an administrative assistant is never allowed. The best of the best remain organized and on top of the situation no matter what the situation or workplace environment may be. Everyone else can be running around like chickens without heads, but you must always remain in control of your work. Adaptable, dependable, and precise, all without breaking a sweat? Thats you!Never ForgettingOn a similar note, you are not allowed to ever forget anything. Ever. Keep a well-detailed calendar and make sure to check it constantly. Set yourself reminders on your phone. Jot down notes on Post-Its and stick them to your monitor. Do whatever it takes to make sure that everyone thinks you have a photographic memory- even if you don’t. They key is to come up with whatever weird systems works for you, and then to stick with it.Knowing Everyones Likes and DislikesAdministrative assistants most also get into the heads of the people they’re assisting, because not everyone in the office is the same. For example, some coworkers may love to gobble carbs during big meetings and expect a plate of croissants on the table. Others might need their vitamins and prefer a selection of fruit. It’s your job to know what everyone wants and make sure they get it.Staying CheerfulFinally, administrative assistants don’t get to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Well, they do get to, but they can never let that show. No matter what is happening in the office or your personal life, a smile must always spread across your face, a skip must always be in your step, and pleasantness must radiate from your voice. You must exude happiness even when everyone else is down in the dumps. That can be one of the biggest challenges, since it is not always easy to get a handle on your emotions. People who can’t might not be cut out for a career as an administrative assistant.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Target Research Essays
Target Research Essays Target Research Essay Target Research Essay Individual Research Proposal Introduction In this day and age, we cannot deny that technology is a key aspect of our daily lives and has definitely made our lives more efficient and convenient in several aspects. 61 million individuals are using mobile phones for health related topics, 29 million patients exchange emails with physicians, and 9 million consumers use health communities online (Nicole Lucille). However, many pharmacies are currently not exploiting technology to benefit their companies to their fullest potential. It Is thus essential that technology Is embraced to allow pharmacies to gain a better understanding of their customers and their needs. After doing research in the technology area, I have found several methods in which pharmacies are adapting to improve their businesses. These include creating phone applications, the use of social media, utilizing and analyzing their patients data and the use of cloud storage. Through our past meetings, I understand our group does not want to move in the direction of Improving Targets phone applications due to the technicalities involved. In view of our short time span to work on Targets case, as well as our familiarity with social media platforms, I propose that we look into the use of social media and the collection and analysis of patients data. Social Media The power of social media is evident in the statistics and the results it produces. In the recent years of marketing, 93% of marketers use social media for their business (Peelers), reflecting a major shift In direction In how companies advertise and publicize. 7% of Americans say that Backbone has a greater Impact on their archiving behavior (Bell) and 80% of Backbone users prefer to connect with brands on Backbone (Peelers). 57% of marketers have acquired customers via their blobs and 52% of consumers say blobs impacted their purchasing decisions (BOB Informatics). In addition, only 11% of Americans trust the Pharmacy Industry (Lucille) which reflects a lot on the relationships that have been created between the industry and its customers. These statistics ar e Important for companies as It shows consumers spending most of their time on social media platforms. Thus, It Is evident that the roll is becoming more social and it is time for more pharmaceutical industries to jump in and get in line with this trend. Target currently has a social media platform but it does not seem to be utilizing it to its maximum potential and moreover, does not bring in the pharmaceutical aspect of its business into it. At the Ephraim Connect conference In 2012, it was identified that for industries to use social media effectively, It needs to be customer centric, consistently used and engaging for the consumers (Hammond). This Is something that pharmacies need to take note of when implementing the use of social media in their businesses. One successful company that has used social media effectively is Sansei Diabetes US. They experimented ways in engaging their patients by setting up a Discuss Diabetes Blob and free online education sessions for their patients (Pectoral). This allowed the company to improve and focus on the health and wellbeing of the patients that they served, engaging with also created Risk, Inc. , which allows patients to access news that is important to them at their convenience (Nasty). Austereness uses Twitter to host chats about attains prescription programs as well, which allows the company to receive feedback on their prescriptions, reaching out to more patients in an effective manner (Pectoral). These companies use the various social media platforms to connect on a deeper level with their patients, creating a closer customer relationship and thus greater value in their services. Data collection The use of technology allows companies to collect data in real time. Imagine going beyond Just a simple app, but one that monitors a persons health and gives a patient radical warnings when their health is taking a down turn. Anne O Ordain, Global Managing Director of Accentuates Life Sciences industry group, mentions that technologies can help bring products to market more quickly by allowing patients to provide real-time data right from their own homes (Accentuate). In addition, the extensive use of technology could allow one to gain greater insight on customers. Through the analysis of their medical records, financial, genetic and patient reported data, companies can provide a greater overall value to patients at lowest costs (Accentuate). The Problem Currently, Target seems to be failing miserably in the technological aspect of its company and is at present, not monopolizing technology to its advantage. Its cartwheel app was invented to provide discounts and various benefits to customers but instead has generated negative reviews from the public. The difficulty in finding it and navigating around the app to access the various functions that are available is frustrating for customers Geoff Bagel). In addition, having downloaded Targets main app myself, I realized that the pharmacy tab in their app, leads the user back to Targets official website, which defeats the purpose of the app all together. Looking at their current use of social media platforms such as Backbone, communication is only one way, from Target to consumers. No personal relations are created between Target and its customers through the use of the papas and social media platforms, which is vital should target wish to maximize its customer retention rate. The conclusion I draw from my research is that Target customers want something simple that provides value. Proposal I believe, to provide the greatest value and convenience to customers, Targets hermetically business can use social media platforms and an in-depth analysis of their patients data to improve customer relations, which in turn will improve revenues. The use of social media in advertising in the pharmaceutical industry is tightly regulated by the government (Anna Washerwomen) and this is probably deterring Target from expanding into this area. In depth analysis of customers data could result in having to deal with privacy issues as well. Is it worth it then, for Target to enter into this arena? Definitely. Companies such as Brayer U. S (Washerwomen) have overcome these obstacles by being more conscientious and investing greater time and energy to monitor such platforms, ensuring that they are used well within the these obstacles and monopolizing Targets use of technology to strengthen the relationships of the company and its customers. Reaching out to one person through social media is equivalent to reaching out to the hundreds in that persons social circle, resulting in an exponential increase in awareness of Targets efforts. In addition, by using in-depth data analysis, Target can cater its various products more accurately to meet their individual consumers needs. Conclusion Customer relations are vital to any business and in this tech save. y age of ours, there is no better way to create that connection then through the use of technology. In addition, technology will provide much needed convenience, efficiency and tools, if used properly, that are able to better allow Target to provide for its customers. Sooner or later, Target will have to use such tools to better market its products and by not doing so, Target might find itself lagging behind in the industry. Why start later when we can start now?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Sculptures of Ancient India and Greece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sculptures of Ancient India and Greece - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that if one takes a look at the ancient statutes of gods that both cultures produced, one will be able to see that there are some similarities between them. Zeus of Artemisium and Shiva of Brahmaputra Valley show the deities in positions that feature the perfect balance of posture. Indeed, while Zeus is standing firm and his feet, Shiva is dancing. However, each posture is elegant. On the other hand, these two sculptures also show the differenced between the approaches. Thus, Zeus is shown as an athletic middle-aged man, while Shiva is depicted as having eight arms. Nevertheless, it would not occur to the Ancient Indians that having eight arms is not realistic. Now, it may be advantageous to turn to the analysis of the sculptures that depict people. The two examples that will be used are the famous Discobolus and Dancing girl from Mohenjo-daro. As for the similarities that these two works of art possess, one might suggest that they give the r ights proportions of the human body create an adequate image of a person. However, there is a significant difference: while the body in Discobolus is shown in all correct anatomic details, Dancing girl provides only a general appearance of the body, allowing the audience to focus on the spiritual message that it sends. This means that the Greek statue is similar to the contemporary photo, but is made in marble, while the art of Ancient India is more concerned with the meaning than with the actual form. As one can clearly see, the differences in the depiction of gods and men that were explored in the paragraphs above might be easily explained if one recalls the cultural values and ideas that were dominant in Ancient India.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship for Dr. McDougalls Right Essay
Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship for Dr. McDougalls Right Food Asian Entres - Essay Example The founder and owner of Dr. McDougall’s Right Foods, Dr. John McDougall, as the chairman of the board of directors, continues to extend the most crucial influence to the thrusts and goals of the organization. As part of the management team, one’s sphere of influence encompasses â€Å"responsibility for corporate governance, corporate strategy, and the interests of all the organizations stakeholders†(Q Finance, 2009, par. 1). Through the coordination and participation of other management team members, one has relevant impact in suggesting recommendations towards the implementation of the business plan. The success of the management team is sourced from equal, fair and just collaboration and participation of all members, regardless of the diversity in responsibilities. In this regard, there is no eminent bias within the organization. With regards to anticipating hurdles, as normal as any organization operates, hurdles come in terms of external factors that are unseen, yet could influence the firms’ operations. These hurdles are increases in prices of raw materials or minimum wages for employees; imposition of additional value added taxes; or stiffer competitors, An effective leadership style is that which conforms, adjusts and adapts to the demands of the situation. One would demonstrate a situational leadership style that focuses on the capabilities and resources of the organization, in conjunction with the defined goals. Any strategy that needs to be designed must focus on the achievement objectives at the most efficient and effective manner. Any potential shortcoming is perceived in terms of responding appropriately to unanticipated changes in both the internal and external environment. One’s competencies and qualifications are the strengths that would assist in designing strategies towards the accomplishment of organizational goals. Weaknesses could come in terms of responding effectively to
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