Saturday, December 28, 2019
Reflection Of Deaf Jam - 789 Words
The documentary Deaf Jam produced by New Day Films provided an in-depth look into the beauty and dexterity of American Sign Language (ASL) while highlighting many important aspects of deaf culture. It also gave an even deeper analysis of the personal lives of those who are deaf and the societal and emotional struggles they face every day. This was done through the eyes of an Israeli immigrant named Aneta Brodski and her empowering journey to share her story through signed slam poetry. Through watching this documentary, my understanding on the many modalities people who are deaf use to communication was expanded. During many of Aneta’s interactions with her new friend Tahani, while they wrote their slam poem, she not only relied on an†¦show more content†¦The idea that ASL is more than just a means of communication for those who are deaf was a profound message and made me rethink my own preconceived conclusions of what ASL can and cannot eloquently communicate. It also shows how, much like all languages, ASL is constantly evolving. One the most crucial distinctions made in the documentary, especially for those who are new to the topic, was about how people who are deaf have their own distinct culture and language. Through the process of the students writing their slam poems and delving deeper into the history of Deaf culture during the storytelling workshop, the importance of recognizing ASL as its own separate culture with its own origins and language syntax is highlighted. Also, the way in which the students play with the meaning of signs to further highlight self-expression illustrates the deep cultural and artistic elements that shine through when we recognize the abilities of those we assume our inherently different than us. This documentary does an excellent job of advocating for the acknowledgment of people who are deaf within society. This is shown through not only the brilliantly written and performed poems of the students but also in the basic, everyday struggles each of them face, such as the desire to fit in or be valued by those around them. Deafness is not a specific to any gender, race, culture, or religion. The struggles many people who are deaf go through are relatable to all andShow MoreRelatedW1 Active Adj14109 Words  | 57 PagesS3, W3 dance n S2, W3 dance v S2, W3 danger n S2, W2 dangerous adj S2, W2 dare v S3, W3 dark adj S2, W1 darkness n W3 darling n S2 data n S1, W1 database n S3, W3 date n S1, W1 date v S3, W3 daughter n S1, W1 day n S1, W1 dead adj S1, W1 dead adv S3 deaf adj W3 deal n S1, W1 deal v S1, W1 dealer n W3 dear adj S2, W2 dear interjection S1 dear n S2 death n S1, W1 debate n S2, W2 debt n S3, W2 decade n W2 decent adj S3 decide v S1, W1 decision n S1, W1 declare v W2 decline n W2 decline v W3 deep adj S2Read MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 Pagesrepresents the sudden eruption of quite new forces, often linked to quite new ideas.†76 Webers emphasis on the newness of these forces and ideas is probably an attempt to escape Marxs reductionism, which contends that all ideas are products or reï ¬â€šections of the economic substructure. Weber wishes to establish that ideas (especially religious ideas) do have a life of their own and cannot always be explained in reference to the economic substructures. However, though there is always a certain noveltyRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagescomplained that supervisors and co-workers made lewd gestures and sexually explicit comments. The franchise was ordered to pay $300,000 to the three employees.84 Two young men were told that Wal-Mart had no positions available for them because they were deaf. Five years after complaining to the EEOC, the young men were each awarded $66,250 in back pay, positions at the store, seniority from the time they originally applied and a sign language interpreter for orientation, training, and meetings. Wal-Mart
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Identity Theft (Body) - 2176 Words
Two years ago, Bob had just bought a new house. After he and his family were settled in, they started cleaning up the place and throwing away â€Å"unneeded†documents. Three months later, when Bob was applying for a car loan, he found that his credit history had been destroyed. He was a victim of identity theft, a crime that often causes people debt, unjustified imprisonment, and murder, being one of the most dangerous, yet easiest, crimes to commit. Identity theft includes other types of fraud and identity related crimes. It is said that today’s society is now living in â€Å"The Age of Betrayal.†Since an incident with a busboy in Brooklyn, no one can be trusted anymore. After siphoning off hundreds of thousands of dollars into different†¦show more content†¦Having this name in the hands of police, they will still assume the victim as a criminal and issue a warrant for the victim’s arrest. It can be difficult for a criminal identity theft victi m to clear their record. The steps required to clear the victims incorrect criminal record depends on what jurisdiction the crime occurred in and whether the true identity of the criminal can be determined. (â€Å"Identity Theft†1) Identity cloning may be the type of identity theft that no one wants to have. Identity cloning happens when a criminal aquires personal information about the victim and then impersenates the victim so that they are concealed from authorities. (â€Å"Identity Theft†1) This often means that the criminal has to get rid of the victim, so the victim may be kidnapped and hidden, or the victim may just be killed. Which reminds me, there is a show on T.V. called â€Å"The Riches†, and in this show, identity cloning is almost exactly what they do. A family (The Malloy’s) is running from a life they don’t want to follow through with and end up in a car wreck with the â€Å"Riches†family. So, to pursue a better life, they steal the identities of the â€Å"Riches†. From this wreck they gained enough information from what they had to assume their new lives because the â€Å"Riches†were on their way to their recently purchased house. This meant that no one knew anything about them and made it that much easier for the Malloys to take their identities.Show MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Good First Impression?1508 Words  | 7 Pagesstatement: Identity theft is a serious problem that claims millions of innocent victims, and the government must implement better regulations to help put an end to this crime. While the thesis statement is the same for all of the introductions, notice how the various introductions set different tones for the essay and establish slightly different expectations for what will follow in the body of the essay. 1. Begin with Background or Historical Information Example Identity theft is not aRead MoreIdentity Theft As An Offence1200 Words  | 5 PagesIdentity Theft as an offence: Model criminal law officers’ committee formulated a report on identity crime. Using the term identity crime, they included all the commencements which relate to identity theft and identity fraud. The committee recommended the creation of the following crime model offences: 1. Dealing in identification of information 2. The holding of identification information with the intent of committing, or facilitating the directive of, an indictable offence. 3. Possession of equipmentRead MoreIdentifying The Different Ways Online Identity Theft1462 Words  | 6 Pages Identify and discuss the different ways online identity theft can be achieved by a cybercriminal Identity theft is when your personal details are stolen. Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information with the intention to access bank accounts for example, or commit many other crimes in your name and at your expense. Identity theft is a growing threat in the uk which is increasing at a rapid rate. It is said that it could be one of the leading threats in the coming years. AnalysisRead MoreIdentity Theft Is An Important Factor1131 Words  | 5 Pages Identity theft is the deliberate use of someone else s identity, usually as a method to gain a financial advantage or obtain credit and other benefits in the other person s name, and perhaps to the other person s disadvantage or loss. The person whose identity has been assumed may suffer adverse consequences if they are held responsible for the perpetrator s actions. Identity theft occurs when someone uses another s personally identifying information, like their name, identifying numberRead MoreThe Legal Issue Of Cyberbullying Essay1520 Words  | 7 Pagesand presence of the bully. Traditional bullying can be said to often be face to face and pre planned. In contrast, a cyberbully can be shadowed or anonymous, the bully if not wish to be identified by the victim can disguise their identity through the creation, usage or theft of a number, a name, or a picture. In addition, the action of bullying can take place at any moment in time as communication through electronic forms ar e easily accessible and widely available. Furthermore, there are various methodsRead MoreProtecting Yourself from Identity Theft Essay1745 Words  | 7 Pagesin your name and it is your address. You may not believe it, but your identity has been stolen and now someone is out there posing as you, running willy nilly around town with your life in hand. The truth is, there is almost nothing you can do once your identity is stolen. How are you going to explain to a credit card company that you did not purchase anything when everything is in your name? This is what makes identity theft so effective, someone can go in, do large amounts of damage and disappearRead MoreIdentity Theft Essay1749 Words  | 7 Pagesin your name and it is your address. You may not believe it, but your identity has been stolen and now someone is out there posing as you, running willy nilly around town with your life in hand. The truth is, there is almost nothing you can do once your identity is stolen. How are you going to explain to a credit card company that you did not purchase anything when everything is in your name? This is what makes identity theft so effective, someone can go in, do large amounts of damage and disappearRead MoreCyber Crimes And Cyber Crime Essay729 Words  | 3 PagesCyber Crime is described as criminal activity committed via use of electronic communications with respect to cyber fraud or identity theft through phishing and spoofing. There are many other forms of cyber-crime also such as harassment, pornography etc. via use of information technology. Usually Cyber-crime is divided in below 3 categories: 1. Persons: Cyber Crime against person can be conducted in many ways as in today’s world all the personal information is available on internet and one can useRead MorePokemon Go Is An Augmented Reality Game1223 Words  | 5 Pagesgained popularity in media, articles, and of course its players the game fails to provide security for its players in multiple ways that can result in possible theft of personal information, possible exposure to the dangerous game environment in real life, and inattentive behavior on the part of the players. Firstly, the possible theft of personal information by the game begins with players granting full access to their Google accounts. Usually games being installed take permission from the usersRead MoreSpeech to Persuade637 Words  | 3 Pagesis at risk for identity theft. B. Thesis Statement: Today I will inform you about Identity Theft C. Preview of Main Points: In doing so, I will talk to you about 1) reducing your risk, 2) early detection, 3) How to act quickly. II. Body A. Identity theft is defined as an illegal use of someone’s information in order to obtain money or credit in the Webster’s Dictionary. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that as many as 10 million Americans have their Identities stolen each year
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Herman Melville A Biography And Analysis Essay free essay sample
Herman Melville: A Biography And Analysis Essay, Research Paper Herman Melville: A Biography And Analysis Throughout American history, really few writers have earned the right to be called? great. ? Herman Melville is one of these few. His novels and verse forms have been enjoyed universe broad for over a century, and he has earned his repute as one of the finest American authors of all clip. A adult male of looming endowment, with rational and artistic glare, and a head of deep penetration into human motivations and behaviour, it is surely a shame that his true illustriousness was non recognized until about a coevals after his decease. Born in the metropolis of New York on August 1, 1819, Melville was the 3rd kid and 2nd boy of Allan Melvill ( it wasn # 8217 ; t until Allan # 8217 ; s decease in 1832 that the? vitamin E? at the terminal of Melville was added, in order to do a more obvious connexion with the Scots Melville kin ) , a sweeping merchandiser and importer so populating in comfy economic fortunes, and of Maria Gansevoort Melvill, merely girl of? the richest adult male in Albany, ? the respected and affluent General Peter Gansevoort, hero of the defence of Fort Stanwix during the American Revolution. In entire, Allan and Maria had eight kids. On his male parent # 8217 ; s side, his lineage, though non so comfortable as on his female parent # 8217 ; s, was every bit distinguished. Major Thomas Melvill, his gramps, was one of the? Indians? in the Boston Tea Party during the events taking to the war and who had so served his state respectably throughout the belligerencies. The Melvill household maintain on their mantle a bottle of tea drained out of Major Melvill # 8217 ; s apparels after the Tea Party as a momento of this juncture. Herman attended the New York Male High School from about the age of seven until 1830. By that clip, Allan Melvill # 8217 ; s concern had begun to neglect, due to his recognition being overextended. After ineffectual efforts to re-establish himself, he finally found it necessary to accept the direction of a New York pelt company back in Albany. The household moved at that place in the fall of 1830, and during that clip Herman attended, along with his brothers Gansevoort and Allan, the Albany Academy. Just as fortune seemed to once more be prefering the Melvills, Allan # 8217 ; s concern personal businesss once more suffered a reverse. Excessive concern and overwork eventually took their toll upon his wellness. By January, 1832, he was both physically and mentally really ill. On January 28, 1832, Allan Melvill died. The daze of his male parent # 8217 ; s fiscal prostration and his tragic decease merely somewhat more than a twelvemonth subsequently took its toll on Herman # 8217 ; s emotions. He was to pull upon this memory two decennaries later in his authorship of Pierre. In order to back up the household, Herman took a place as an helper clerk at a local bank, and his brothers Gansevoort and Allan took over their tardily male parent # 8217 ; s fur concern. Possibly because of his female parent # 8217 ; s concern over his wellness, Herman left his place at the bank in the spring of 1834 and spent a season working for his Uncle Thomas # 8217 ; s farm near Pittsfield. During the winter months of early 1835, Herman left Pittsfield and joined his brothers in the pelt concern. Now 15 and a half, he kept the books of the house for the undermentioned two old ages. At some clip during this period he enrolled as a pupil in the Albany Classical School. He besides became am member in the Albany Young Men # 8217 ; s Association, a nine for debating and reading, of which his brother was already a member. Such nines, in absence of public libraries, were popular in many metropoliss and served a most utile educational intent. Within a twelvemonth or two of instruction at the Albany Classical School, he had become qualified as a school instructor. He left his brothers at the now neglecting fur company and became a instructor at a one-room schoolhouse outside of Pittsfiesd. On his first twenty-four hours of the new occupation, the inexperient instructor was confronted with 30 pupils of all ages and degrees of accomplishment. Some were his age, and a few utterly nonreader. In such utmost conditions Herman found it hard to keep subject, allow entirely learn. After six hebdomads, he gave up and returned to Albany. For a few months, Herman looked for work without success. His leisure hours, though, were filled with exhilaration. Early on in 1838 he organized a debating nine and quickly got into a difference over the presidential term of the nine with a rival member, which he finally won. Before long, Maria Melvill was forced to acknowledge that she could no longer afford to populate in Albany. Faced with the chance of holding to invariably inquire her brother Peter for money, she eventually decided to travel her household to Lansingburgh, a small town non far from Albany near the Hudson River. Herman was in a hard and unhappy place. Although he was about twenty old ages old, he was non lending to the household # 8217 ; s income and felt ashamed. At the same clip, he was unable to make up ones mind on a calling or event settee down to a occupation. Possibly because he remembered the narratives of his uncle and two cousins who had gone to sea, Herman decided to seek his ain destiny at sea. He asked his brother Gansevoort to look for a ship # 8217 ; s position for him, and about instantly, he was hired as a sailor aboard the St. Lawerence, a three masted ship that was fixing to traverse the Atlantic from New York City to Liverpool, England. The St. Lawerence left New York on June 3, 1839. Herman could take pride in the fact that he was gaining his ain life at last. Herman rapidly learned humbleness. He was both better educated than most of his shipmates and older that many of the common, or unskilled mariners, yet he cognize nil at all about ships or seafaring. He had to larn a whole new linguistic communication, in which every rope, every undertaking, and every portion of the ship had its ain particular name. He learned excessively about the rigorous subject of the sea, which required him to turn to the officers with regard and follow their orders unquestioningly. Furthermore, he had to digest the practical gags, irony, and frequently barbarous wit of the more experient sailors, who traditionally made life hard for ? green? custodies on their first ocean trip. At the clip of Herman # 8217 ; s visit, Leverpool was turning fast. Peoples straggled into the metropolis from the famine-stricken farms of Ireland, the hapless mining towns of Wales, and the English countryside, all seeking occupations in the metropolis # 8217 ; s docks or mills. Rolling innocently into the slums, Herman was appalled at the sight of mendicants, cocottes, rummies, and ragged kids populating in conditions worse that he head of all time imagined. Old ages subsequently, he would remember these scenes in his fresh Redburn. His following ocean trip was on the whaling ship Acushnet, a trade name new ship registered in New Bedford, Massachusetts. He departed from New Bedford on January 3, 1841, edge for the North Pacific. Although edge for the Pacific, the ship and her crew managed to capture several giants in the Atlantic. After two months of seafaring, when the ship reached Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, it had 150 barrels of oil in its clasp. These were transferred to another New England ship to be sent place, and the Acushnet left Rio after merely one twenty-four hours ion the scenic port Melville called? the bay of all beauties. ? As they approached Cape Horn, Melville heard many desperate narratives from his fellow sailors about these natural states southern Waterss. The work forces besides told whaling narratives, of class. Some of these narratives concerned an unusual sperm giant called Mocha Dick. Unusually pale, about white, Mocha Dick was said to populate in the Pacific and was aggressive, unlike ordinary sperm giants. These narratives doubtless influenced Melville # 8217 ; s most celebrated of narratives, Moby Dick. Although the ocean trip ab initio seemed promising, most of the crew, including Melville, didn # 8217 ; t recognize that the sperm giant was turning highly scarce, and the subsisters were going wary. Overhunting had taken its toll. Between January and May, the Acushnet sighted nine groups of giants but was merely able to do two or three putting to deaths, adding a mere 150 barrels of oil to its lading. In June the work forces killed another giant ; another 50 barrels of oil. It now looked as though it would take old ages to make full the 2,800 barrels they needed to do a profitable ocean trip. The tally of bad fortune soured the captain # 8217 ; s temperament. Not merely was he annoyed at the deficiency of giants, he was besides enduring from hapless wellness. This was to hold been his last ocean trip, and he was to retire on its net incomes. With every go throughing hebdomad, this program seemed more and more distant. He became snappy, rigorous and quarrelsome, so much that both his first and 3rd couples deserted. Stress began to look amongst the remainder of the crew every bit good, as work forces began to fall ailment from scorbutus and other nutrition-lacking complaints. Battles and feuds broke out, and Melville no longer rejoiced in the high quality of his shipmates. Equally shortly as the captain took the Acushnet to the Marquesas Islands to stock up on fresh nutrient and H2O, Melville began doing programs to go both ship and captain. Attach toing Melville was another sailor by the name of Tobias Greene, or? Toby? as Melville called him. The brace escaped into the wilderness of the island shortly before the ship # 8217 ; s going, and a brief Hunt for them by the staying crew was unsuccessful. Melville and Toby remained on the island for four hebdomads, taken in by the Taipi Indians. Thought to be man-eaters, they proved to be rather hospitable to the apostates. Even so, they were eager to go, and Toby was sent to see if he could spy any ships off the seashore. He neer returned, thought by Melville to be captured by another folk. It was this experience that inspired Melville # 8217 ; s first novel, Typee. It was here they remained until another whaling ship, the Lucy Ann, arrived at the island. The ship heard rumours of a white adult male being held prisoner by the Taipi, and being short of crew, they embarked on a? deliverance mission, ? and took Melville as a member of their crew in August 1842. Ironically, the ocean trip on the Lucy Ann proved to be even more suffering that that of the Acushnet. When the ship docked in Tahiti, Melville managed another dare flight. That same twenty-four hours he boarded the Charles and Henry as a member of her crew, and they set canvas for Hawaii, so called the Sandwich Islands. This was the concluding finish of the ship, and in November of 1842, the crew was disbanded. Melville, eager to see the household he missed so, returned to Lansingburgh where his female parent still resided. His household was fascinated with his glorious narratives of his journeys at sea ; so much so that Herman # 8217 ; s brother Thomas set canvas himself. Unfortunately, Herman was in the same state of affairs in which he was before these escapades # 8211 ; unemployed. He believed that if he put his narratives on paper, he would happen a publishing house, and the annoying inquiry of his calling would be answered # 8211 ; he would go a author. As he sat in his female parent # 8217 ; s house to compose his first novel, Melville turned to the portion of his South Seas escapade about which everyone was most funny: his? stay among the cannibals. ? The narrative was his ain, surely, but in composing Typee, Melville established a wont that would follow throughout his calling. Hi used his ain experiences as the skeleton of the book and fleshed out the inside informations with his ain imaginativeness. In Typee, he wrote about his flight from a whaling vas with Toby, and renamed the ship the Dolly instead than the Acushnet. He besides changed their going, which in world he was neer in any existent danger, to one of great heroics as they escaped from a atrocious destiny. In add-on, he lengthened their stay on the island from four hebdomads to a grueling four months. He did happen a publishing house, and Typee, his first book, was published in 1846. The undermentioned twelvemonth, Melville met and fell in love with a adult female named Elizabeth Shaw, and they were married on August 4, 1847. They bought a place in New York City, where they would stay for the remainder of their lives. Together they would hold two boies, Malcolm and Stanwix, born in 1849 and 1851, severally. Besides born to them were two girls, Elizabeth and Frances, in 1853 and 1855. In 1851, the same twelvemonth as the birth of his 2nd boy, Melville has his most celebrated work published, Moby Dick, or, The Whale. Between the release of Typee and Moby Dick, Melville wrote other books of lesser ill fame. Omoo ( 1847 ) , a book about his stay in Tahiti ; Mardi ( 1849 ) , Redburn ( 1849 ) , about his clip spent in Liverpool, and White Jacket ( 1850 ) . Moby Dick, as most people know, is the narrative of Captain Ahab and his pursuit, which finally becomes and obsessional possession, to kill the great white whale Moby Dick. Today, Moby Dick is universally recognized as both Melville # 8217 ; s coronating accomplishment and a looming classic of American literature. The really thing that bothered so many people when it was published # 8211 ; the fact that it broke the? regulations? of authorship and did so with such relish # 8211 ; is now seen as the beginning of its power. Today, authors who mix genres or who create alone voices and manners are admired. Thus Moby Dick is now regarded, non as a failed sea love affair or assorted up adventure narrative, but as a victory of originative imaginativeness, an illustration of how huge and all-embracing a book can be. Along with Mark Twain # 8217 ; s Huckleberry Fin and Walt Whitman # 8217 ; s Leafs of Grass, Moby Dick is considered a campaigner for the greatest American novel. However, as aforementioned, his illustriousness was non recognized at this clip. Melville # 8217 ; s later plants, Pierre ( 1852 ) , The Piazza Tales ( 1856 ) , The Assurance Man ( 1857 ) , the verse form Clarel ( 1876 ) , and the post-mortumously published Billy Bud ( 1924 ) , went about wholly unnoticed until the early 1920 # 8217 ; s, when a pupil of literature named Raymond Weaver approached the Melville household and was given permission to analyze the documents Herman left behind in a Sn box after his decease. It was here Billy Bud was foremost discovered and later published, which introduced a whole new coevals to Melville # 8217 ; s work. Soon critics, pupils, and the general populace were reading his novels and narratives, and recognizing some of them as chef-doeuvres. In 1927, American novelist William Faulkner declared that Moby Dick was the book he most wished he had written. Knowing the quality of his work, one can non assist but experience sympathetic to Melville # 8217 ; s passing. He died on September 28, 1891 in his place in New York City, still unknown by the general populace. If any author deserved to be recognized and praised during their lives, Melville is that author. Although unfortunate that his passing went about unnoticed by the populace, he is now and rightly so, an immortal in the annals of American literature, and his work will be looked upon with both esteem and enviousness for many old ages to come. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Strict Parents free essay sample
Having strict parents is both a blessing and a curse. Of course, I appreciate how they dont want something to happen to me, but Im already 18 years old and I need to live my life before I regret it. I know my parents think what is best for me. They probably want to teach me about discipline and respect for the elders, but thats not what I want to hear, so I get frustrated. These are the 3 reason why my My parents are overprotective. It honestly frustrates me parents are so strict. En half the time Im never allowed to go anywhere with my friends, and go to places without my parents having to be right next to me. I understand they want to protect me because they love me, and I appreciate It, but It gets to the point when sometimes Its Just ridiculous and over the top. We will write a custom essay sample on Strict Parents or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How can I ever enjoy myself during vacation If Im never allowed out? Last week my friend Kim Invited me to go out and watch movie at night time, I asked my parents If I can go watch the movie with Kim and they just wont let me go out so I cried that night and just stayed in my room.They wont even let me have a boyfriend because their thinking that Im going to get pregnant if I have one. They just dont trust me on having a be. When will I ever be free? I know they limited my life a lot (until I went off college). I am their baby at 18 years old, but deep down very sensible and not rebellious. However, to this day I have insecurities because of limitations placed on me. They discipline me by imposing a curfew to help me to become a responsible person, but of course it comes with a punishment. R example, when I go out with my friends, they always tell me that I have to be home by 10:00, and I have to obey them and go home on time because when Im not on time there will be a consequence. Last month I went to my best friends birthday party and I was surprised that my parents allowed me to go out but have to be home by 10:00 pm. I was enjoying my time at the party and I didnt even notice the time and it was 1:00 am. I looked at my phone my parents have 25 missed call and I knew that Im in trouble.I was grounded for 2 weeks and my mom infatuated my phone because I didnt answer her phone call. I didnt feel bad because its actually my fault if I was really aware of my time I wouldnt be on that situation and I still love my parents. Most of all, they are strict because of their cultural traditions like when they grew up on their traditional rules and they are kind of doing the same thing to me. My mom used to tell me In the old days they were more strict than today. Their parents dont let them go out without any companion.They had to do their chores every day before they could go out, and their arenas also picked the right guy for them and that Is hard because being with a guy that they dont love Is totally unfair. I cant Imagine placing myself In that situation but my parents are using that rule to me and Its so unfair for my part. For example, there was a time that I had to go to my friends birthday party, and my mom wouldnt let me go out without any companion, so I have to bring my cousin with me to be sure that I went there and didnt go some other place.I mean Im old enough to go there alone without any companion with me. I just want to do my own thing and just be being strict because they are afraid of losing me. As I am their only child its their responsibility to protect me. Well, to solve this problem I will probably talk to my parents about them being strict and explain myself to them how am I feeling about them being strict. I will also prove them that I can be a good daughter, and I will gain their trust so that they wont be as strict as before. I Just want to live my life without rules and be a good daughter to them because I love them so much.
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