Friday, August 28, 2020
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Opportunity †
Question: Examine about the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Opportunity. Answer: Presentation Advancement is one of the basic angles in business today. This exploration paper talks about the administration of development in business associations. It looks at the arrangement, usage and post-execution periods of progress in accordance with the accepted procedures, demonstrable skill and the objectives and targets of the organization. Right off the bat, the paper presents the idea of advancement and talks about various types of changes. It further delves into the asset perspectives in the administration of advancement catching human asset factor and the basic partner's association delineating their jobs and the impact they have all the while. The exploration continues to examine the execution and post-usage phases of advancement plotting best practice systems and the reinforcement plan. At long last, the paper dives into the moral variables affecting on development the executives and offers closing comments about the entire investigation. Advancement alludes to re-planning procedures or building items to accomplish cost and operational efficiencies. A definitive objective of advancement is to build piece of the overall industry and benefits in a venture. Overseeing advancement is a basic assignment in an organization that needs systems and contributions from all the partners of the association. Something else, the procedure or re-designed item won't come around as a result of numerous reasons that will event its disappointment (Siltala, Taatila and Alajaaski, 2014, pp. 280-297). Effective selection and execution of innovative thoughts in business associations is basic and will affect decidedly to the association. Disappointment of the procedure of appropriation and usage of innovative thoughts realizes a misfortune in the business. Overseeing advancement is the act of coordinating, arranging and assessing the change procedure occurring in an association. This procedure is fundamental to the accomplishment of the focused on result. The activity requires the help and generosity of entire of the association's partners. Their interests and thoughts should be thought of and engraved in the highlights of the inventive item or administrations. Telling their comprehension is vital to the achievement of the task (Silverstein, 2008). Hence, its basic that the group comprehends what the association is attempting to accomplish, why and how they ought to contribute. Such sort of data goes about as a rule to guarantee that the creative thoughts are overseen in the most ideal manner conceivable. The change directors will see how to approach the procedure. An association stands to lose huge on the off chance that it doesn't deal with its advancement exercises. Right off the bat, the task will come up short and result in the dissatisfaction of the group and different laborers who had put their expectations and assets in it. The workers will be demotivated, and conceivable accuse games may follow (Wagner, 2008). With respect to development, the firm will frustrate its clients and gouge its notoriety if an unsatisfactory item is introduced to them. Disappointment of the imaginative item to intrigue the market will draw in analysis towards the organization causing it to miss out its piece of the pie. Notoriety is worked in ages yet demolished without any problem. Additionally, there will be potential claims if the inventive item end up to have] occasioned damage to the collections of the end clients (Heyne, Boettke and Prychitko, 2010, pp. 317-318) Types of development Development can occur in various structures including item improvement, troublesome or advancement approach. However an organization decided to seek after, the advancement must carry an incentive to both the association and its partners explicitly the end clients. Troublesome advancement totally faces out the current procedures or item and presents another technique. It is important that careful worker preparing is finished during this progress to maintain a strategic distance from mistakes and personal time that will be counter-profitable to the activities of the organization (Ebeling, 2009). The laborers should be educated on the idea of the advancement and experience hands on preparing to upgrade getting a handle on of aptitudes. Data should be adequate to the outer partner with respect to the development. Further, the organizations group should demonstrate the reasonability and appropriateness of the progressions to win their endorsement in light of the fact that the outside partners are regularly key to fruitful execution of a venture (Dutton, 2015). There is likewise the item or administration improvement change. Development can focus to better the existent item or administrations. A basic factor to see in this line of advancement incorporates consistency of the idea of development. Likewise, the improved administrations or item should offer more an incentive without noteworthy expenses to the customers. Something else, the development will be confronted with dismissals disrupting all the endeavors from the organization to make deals and acquire benefits. Asset parts of advancement Advancement process devours assets including reserves and other material and expert costs. In the event of assets ventures, the undertaking group should persuade past sensible uncertainty why the financial specialists siphons in more cash for the task. On the off chance that an association designs an item, the end client needs adequate data with respect to the item. The organization ought not run late with the goal that the potential clients wind up benefiting from gossipy tidbits and making negative decisions attacking the procedure. This, thusly, requires a careful and constant battle to showcase the item, its highlights, and helpfulness including its specialized perspectives to acclimate it to the end clients. Notices can be used to quick track consciousness of the item in the market and make it recognizable to individuals. All the more critically, the association needs to draw out the genuine estimation of the item to the clients who give it an edge over different items in the market. Not overlooking consistence issues to morals and other lawful guidelines; the firm should give due contemplations to these issues to spare its notoriety and possible expenses of lawful suits and missing out in business because of absence of consistence. Human factor in overseeing Innovation Associations vary in culture, size and human asset; a factor that makes the fruitful usage of advancement to get testing. Right off the bat, there is the human factor affecting the administration of development. Associations have laborers with various ranges of abilities, mentalities, and instruction. Selling a thought that will pick up their footing and endorsement is an errand that needs morals and best practice. Partners backing to the undertaking will accomplish a smooth procedure of turning out and executing the development. A portion of the workers may dismiss the presentation of advancement for reasons connected to their professional stability, the solace of the state of affairs or trouble in acing new aptitudes and procedures excreta. Elucidating, a few laborers will oppose advancement because of a paranoid fear of being supplanted by innovation. They comprehend that innovation will make forms productive decreasing the human work required consequently pronouncing a portion of their obligations excess (Bessant and Davies, 2007). Additionally, a few specialists have the fear of changes due to their failure to ace new aptitudes and information (Fuglsang, 2008). They dread that their associates will have a bit of leeway of understanding the re-arrangement exposing them to scorn and under-execution. This therefor needs a representative methodology with adequate data gave to the workers. Partners gatherings must be presented during the pre-usage stage, execution and post execution to pick up input. Holding these gatherings will accomplish straightforwardness all the while and rouse a feeling of responsibility for development to the individuals. This will support their spirit and drive duty. Advancement the board requires significant level responsibility from the top, center level and operational degrees of the association. The administration of the organization should drive the course through offering the plan to their lesser and look for their criticism. Further, association's administration should submit a sensible measure of time towards the learning and investigating the foreseen advancement. It is through these meetings that agreement is looked for and issues explained to the clients in an offer to win their endorsement and backing (Paul, 2007, pp. 55-76). Departmental pioneers will assume a critical job to drive the plan to their youngsters on account of their continuous every day association over the span of their obligations. Overseeing advancement requires a wide viewpoint from all the elements of the association. All the partners need to channel their info contributing thoughts on the parts of the advancement that fall in their calling (Fuglsang, 2008). This will guarantee that a perfect item or procedure accomplished is pleasant and increases the value of the organization. Further, this between departmental group will give a road to conceptualizing to present more thoughts that will better the procedure or result of advancement. The enhanced contribution of this unit will be outfit to improve the nature of the result and spare a lot of time for readdressing and revision of the undertaking while in development level (Dessington, 2017). Each thought is valued and assessed against the corporate culture, objectives, and goals to guarantee consistency. The group will be straightforward and truly offer criticism to thoughts raised as minds behind perfect proposals given acknowledgment. This experience is essential as it will leave recollections of seeing the example of overcoming adversity of advancement exercises and bring the feeling of responsibility for venture to the entire group (Malerba, 2008). To improve the adequacy of the turning out development, the administration needs to allot various jobs and bits of the procedure to basic individuals from the association. These utilitarian chiefs can be commanded to support the extend and guarantee the general objective and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Summary hardware, software findings Research Paper
Outline equipment, programming discoveries - Research Paper Example This is an extraordinary data framework that is acquired uniquely in contrast to the remainder of the product. This data framework, be that as it may, isn't completely claimed by the Intel Corp organization. This is on the grounds that it is recruited from the cloud specialist co-op (Blundell, 2008). Another significant component of the engineering of equipment and programming of Intel Corp is that it has embraced the most recent advances in their framework. There is the utilization of distributed computing in their system. This innovation assists with conquering the difficulties of having servers and entire applications on the neighborhood site. This framework and course of action are found in the manner the organization works the CRM programming. The CRM programming is gotten to from the cloud specialist co-op. This implies the organization doesn't possess the product framework in full (Hamlet, 2010). Another significant perspective that can be found in the product is that of utilizing one merchant to obtain the product. Most PCs are introduced with Windows Operating frameworks and Windows based programming applications, similar to office suites and utility projects. The equipment parts that are found in the organization are believed to embrace customer server design in a large portion of the structures that have been broke down and introduced up until this point. The majority of the PC equipment is organized so that the machines rely upon one another to get to the significant server parts of the equipment. One inadequacy that I find with the product is that they are from one seller. As expressed before, a large portion of the applications are for Windows. On the off chance that there will be a need to have an overhaul so that there different applications from different merchants, this could be a dull and troublesome assignment. This is on the grounds that there is no plan that has been done to guarantee that the future establishments of various applications are very much dealt with. Another inadequacy is that of productive
Friday, August 21, 2020
Book discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Book conversation - Coursework Example Another was the subject of responsibility. This topic has had the option to communicate in various pieces of the book. In the Bulls Eye association, there were various directors, including John and Barb, who head various divisions. Their chief, Nancy had some intermittent gatherings with them in order to audit on their departments’ exhibitions. Each chief was made responsible for the outcomes their specialization was respecting the association. During certain ends of the week, John needs to answer to his office in order to address the awful occupation that was finished by his group. This is on the grounds that he is the one made responsible for the outcomes. There is the topic of harmony that has plainly turned out in the book. In the book, the writer has almost referenced Ubuntu on various pages. Simon says, â€Å"It doesn’t have any effect on the off chance that it was my work or another person work. We are all into this as a division. I need to help, it is Ubuntu†(pg. 19). This is after the office lead by John, Simon is a part, had bombed in meeting their degrees of anticipated consequences of the association. The subject has indicated that in fact to have accomplishment in a gathering, at that point you should have joint effort and collaboration. A large portion of the story occurred in the USA, especially in Chicago. This is apparent in the book when the writer says, â€Å"Twenty miles outside of Chicago, at a small†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg. 12). In this specific content, the creator was depicting the bistro where Alexandra and Steve went to take some espresso. Significant piece of the story in this book, particularly section one happens at the premises or workplaces of BullsEye association. Most of the characters in this story is having their sources in the USA, truth be told, they are on the whole residents of The United States. We just have Simon, who was conceived in South Africa during the Apartheid framework however he is an
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Most Noticeable Term Paper Assignment Help
Most Noticeable Term Paper Assignment Help So you have to compose the outline before even writing the debut of the expression paper. Exactly like in books advertised online, only certain parts of the paper is going to be exposed. A word paper ought to be taken very seriously. Finally, you get an outstanding paper that's customized to suit your approach. A great introduction of any assignment can highlight the grade of the expression paper. The fundamental processes which are needed to compose a term paper is going to be discussed below. The following are a few basic guidelines that can help you compose a very good term paper. The writers of term paper should always utilize relevant information regarding the subject of the term paper by which a student can get great marks in their term papers. It is problematic for the students who lack the writing skills to finish the expression paper. The students are often requested to compose a term paper in the length of their school or college time. Among the students can merely take our assistance concerning the finance term papers help from our site. If you want your term paper would entice high and attain the highest quality, make certain that you give time each day to compose the research paper. In the event the subject of the expression paper is match up with your interest, it is going to be more easy and fun to investigate and write about the subject. The expression paper outline can help you to stay linked to the key points of your paper. The outline of the expression paper act as the basis of the whole term paper. The assignments are usually sure to be 100 percent original and you've got access to unlimited revisions free of cost till you get totally pleased with the outcome. In any case, you might read the testimonials of our clients. There are times that you do your best and even then you're not able to score well in your home tasks. Our technicians will kindly answer all your questions. Finding the Best Term Paper Assignment Help Together with the UK Essay Help undergraduates find it impossible to get worried a bout the time but delight in a complete life. You may easily depend on us to find essay help as we have a tendency to assist and guide the students with the aid of our professional experts. Students make certain they have made an attempt on each of their resources and then as soon as they exhaust themselves, then they elect for going to their respective teachers. It is possible to bid farewell to the concerns because we'll deliver in accordance with your anticipation. You will be shown a topic and. Poem analysis assignment help will also be supplied by our experts. How to Choose Term Paper Assignment Help There are many reasons why you need to prefer our services. You can't even imagine surviving without outside assistance. Students when have the choice of taking a shortcut won't pay attention during lectures. So honest, as save your custom made assignment help together with their homework help on-line math help kids. You may now send questions to IndyPL librarians utilizing the text message quality of your. There are hundreds and hundreds of customers who avail our services as a way to finish their college term paper assignment. So should you need help to write compare and contrast papers, we're obtainable for you with the ideal service.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Analysis of interpersonal communication as seen in How to...
Jessica Diggs SD101 Angela Nebel April 6, 2004 Like most other movies, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days uses many non-verbal cues to let the audience know how the characters are feeling and what they are thinking, art imitating life, as non-verbal communication is ingrained in everyday existence. Non-verbal communication is so pervasive in everyday life, in fact, that one may not even recognize consciously the cues given to them by others. One example of non-verbal cues in How to Lose a Guy took place in the Composure staff meeting at the beginning of the movie. While the woman perceived immediately to be a brown-noser tells her boss about the pieces she is working on, Andie and a friend are making facial expressions at one another that†¦show more content†¦Realizing, however, that the stages dont always progress in sequence and can overlap can help give one a general idea of how their relationship came together, fell apart, and then was reborn. Like all couples, Andie and Ben struggle with dialectical tensions in their relationship. First, they have trouble with the connection-autonomy dialectic. They are spending every day together trying to build (or destroy) their relationship (connection), but in Andies efforts to drive Ben away she begins to make him uncomfortable with the amount of control she has in his life. She redecorates his apartment, makes him wear a shirt that matches hers and their dogs, crashes his night with his friends, and even blows his nose for him, interfering with Bens autonomy. Another dialectic that Ben and Andie struggle with is that of openness-closedness. They both begin to have feelings for the other and want to share some things about themselves but neither is willing to disclose their original motive for the relationship. Also, Ben understandably does not mention to Andie that he was in diapers until he was five, and he gets angry when his mom divulges that information. Every relationship has such tensions, and they cannot be eliminated, only managed. Ben and Andie do not manage conflict effectively. Most of the time Andie isShow MoreRelatedEssay on Management skill23177 Words  | 93 Pages Page Ref: 238 Topic: Building Positive Interpersonal Relationships Skill: Recall 2) Studies have found that people make fewer mental errors when experiencing positive relationships. Answer: TRUE Explanation: This is true because positive relationships create positive emotions such as joy, fulfillment, etc., which in turn actually expand peoples mental capacities. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 238 Topic: Building Positive Interpersonal Relationships Skill: Recall 3) One suggestedRead MoreGgfghj12150 Words  | 49 Pagesfocus since the ï ¬ rst and second editions of this book. Why a Third Edition? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Role Of Congress And The President - 1810 Words
The role of congress and the president in diplomacy, and in treaty making and wars, the role that the President and congress play is actually very significant in governing the country and this is kind of like a balance of power, in which both the president and congress both have extensive powers. The power to declare war, provide defense and support and raise armies. The regulation of foreign commerce, to congress. These powers are given to the President and congress through the Constitution. The President has the power to make executive agreements and treaties and receive foreign ambassadors and also appoint ambassadors. Treaties must be approved by two-thirds of the senate. Congress sometimes acts in an oversight role by signing off on†¦show more content†¦The budget for foreign policy functions is distributed among the institutions, this money is used to protect the U.S interest. This money only makes up 1 percent of the overall budget that the President submits to congre ss. This budget request includes funding for all federal executive departments and independent agencies that congress must approve in-order for the President to get things done. This will include funding for all U.S. international activities, like funding military assistance to allies and helping develop places that have weaker democracies. The U.S has key interest in developing other countries as we trade a lot of goods and services with other countries. Can the President s war powers be checked, yes, the constitution gives Congress the power to declare war as a check on the Presidential power. However the President still has the power to use troops even if Congress has not declared war. The commander and chief is given the power to assess overall threats that congress may not have had time to take action on. And in the news we have a more recent example of theShow MoreRelatedRole Of The President And Congress During The Economy Essay1100 Words  | 5 Pagestides. 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It becomes something contradictory in which Political ScientistRead MorePresidency and Foreign Policy Making Essay1692 Words  | 7 Pagesthe U.S President is considered to hold dominant authority in regard to foreign policy making, and whether the Congress ought to hold a significant role in the foreign decision making process, it is imperative to take into account the executive powers vested on the U.S presidency. This paper posits that the Presidency should be considered to be dominant, while at other times the Congress should be considered to be the dominant authority. In this perspective, it is essential that the Congress plays
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Critical Analysis Of Strategic Organizational Human Resource Managemen
Question: What are the key strengths and limitations of the two HR systems in the context of the workplace? How do the two HR management systems relate to the accomplishment of strategic goals? What assumptions are you basing these views on? Compare how the two HR management systems effectively contribute to the management of human capital to achieve the strategic goals of the organisation. How did the discussion in the forum contribute to your analysis? How can you use the information in your posts and the posts of others as evidence? Answer: Introduction Strategic human resources management is a process that makes human resource strategies that are integrated with the firms business goals and contribute to the overall strategy of the organization. It is defined as the means of aligning the management of human resources with the strategic content of the business (Walker, J.W., 1992). The integration can be vertical or horizontal. Vertical integration provides congruence between HR strategy and the business with the former supporting the accomplishment of the latter. And the horizontal integration works to make sure that the various human resource strategy elements fit together and support each other mutually (Armstrong, M., 1999). Though strategic human resource management system is an evolving system today, there are several issues pertaining to its practice. Critical Analysis of strategic HRM Strategic human resource management basically is about the strategic role of human resources management in meeting the organizational objectives. Human Resources is firmly linked with the performance and effectiveness of a business. But the mechanisms through which the human resource practices influence organizational effectiveness were always questioned upon by critics. A lot of researches have been conducted upon the explaining the importance of human resource management in the performance of a business. The studies have mostly adopted a resource based view of the firm (Delery, J., 1998) which emphasizes that the firms competitive advantage is increased by the kind of resources it possesses. And this in turn emphasizes that human resources management definitely adds value to an organization since the human resource management practices are the main factors that a firm employs to produce or retain the necessary work force. The predominant focus of research on strategic human resourc e management is mostly on the horizontal and vertical fits. Horizontal fit in strategic human resource management emphasizes the internal consistency of the HR practices with the basic assumption that for any particular policy to have maximum effect it is important that the other policies in effect are functioning as good. The complication in this theory is the absence of description about which internally consistent practices make up a system. There is no solid theoretical framework for choosing the HR practices. It was argued that there are several combinations of practices that will result in the same organizational outcomes (Delery, J., and Doty, D., 1996). For example, a firm needs to identify the human resource practices that would develop work force with high performance if they are to have advantage over their competitors. But any HR practice leads to multiple outcomes and multiple HR practices can be used to achieve the same outcome. This is a critical issue in strategic human resource management. In fact recent models of competency have provided researchers with a framework that helps creation of horizontal fit. In these models, a set of behavioural competencies are defined that are relevant to the business based on which human resource practices can be employed to ensure development of those behaviours in individuals. But in actual, a solution is yet to be reached in the issue of horizontal or internal fit. How it is developed and measured is an avenue that offers ample opportunities for future researchers to address. An important discussion in strategic HRM is a synergistic relationship between the different HR practices. There are two basic forms of this synergistic relationship. The first describes how multiple practices can work together and promote each others effectiveness and that in turn enhances the organizations effectiveness resulting in a positive outcome. This is termed a powerful connection by Becker et al. Another combination termed deadly connection is when the practices work against each other and the outcome is negative. It is therefore important in strategic human resource management to identify and measure HRM practices and systems while acknowledging these relationships among the practices (Becker, B., and Gerhart, B., 1996). Another important issue in strategic HRM is the level of analysis. It is based on what level the human resource practices in a firm are measured. According to a framework proposed, it is important that the work force core for strategic goals be governed by a high performance work system. While this practice will gain the organization higher scores on their core work force, the issue with this approach is that the non-core work force may also have equal importance or greater weight. Therefore, while measuring the HR practices, closer attention must be paid to the level at which they are measured. Averaging the use of practices may denote that all the employees be it core or non-core groups are equally important. Organizations must use different human resource practices for different employee levels and groups. This suggests that for a particular job a particular HRM system is required. Focussing on human resource practices at different job levels in an organization would thus provide insight into how advantage over competition can be achieved using work force. As discussed already there is no agreement about what practices constitute a coherent HRM system. It is also equally important to concentrate on the human resource policies along with the practices; the issue of construct definition. Development of theory would solve this problem. Strategic HR management has always been criticized for lack of theoretical foundation. But researches have proved that there are three different theoretical frameworks in the Strategic HRM; Universal, Contingency and Configuration theories (Delery, J., and Doty, D., 1996). The Universalistic theory demonstrates that some human resource practices are universally effective. Adoption of these practices by an organization will result in increased benefits. According to the Contingency theory, the effectiveness of human resource practices is contingent with the organizational strategy. Organizations must adopt HR strategies that are appropriate for its strategy to have higher effectiveness. And the configuration theory deals with the synergistic relationships between the practices. Other research employs six theoretical models for discussing strategic human resource management; Behavioural perspective, cybernetic models, transaction/agency cost theory, institutional theory, resource-based view of the organization, and power/resource dependence models. These theories are useful for understanding strategic as well as non-strategic determinants of human resource practices (Wright, P., and McMahan, G.C., 1992). The behavioural perspective is concerned with how strategy, human resource behaviours and practices are interrelated. Cybernetic models and transaction cost models is concerned with the relationship amongst the HR practices, firm strategy and the HR capital pool and behaviours. The institutional theory and resource dependence theory concerns the effects of institutional and political factors on the human resource practices. These theoretical frameworks are not without their limitations. But according to the critical analysis of strategic human resource management, most of the issues concerning the SHRM can be solved by developing a strong theoretical basis of management. Qualitative and quantitative comparison of two firms in the same industry and different performance levels could be constructed to aid in the construction of specific and general practices. It also helps in generalizing the process within a firm that drafts the principles and the process of successfully translating these principles in HR policies that are efficient. This line of research in strategic human resource management could help improve the way organizations are studied and managed (Colbert, B., 2004). Using data from forty five business units and correlated human resource practices from the past, present and future operational practices, it was found that correlations with all operational measures were high and invariant. Further it was found that controlling the past and present performance almost eliminated the connection of human resource practices with that of the future. This provided strategic human resource management researchers cautionary evidence on making casual inferences on the relationship between HR practices and the performance of the organization (Wright, P., Snell, S., and Dyer, L., 2005). Organization performance depends upon the how HR systems are measured. Performance in organization varies based on how near it is to the intended effect of human resources practices and what level it is aggregated. Analysis of strategic human resource management in emerging economies countries demonstrate that it is more likely that privately owned businesses will adopt this process than the public organizations. More focus is being paid on the implementation issues of strategic HR management in recent times. The business firms are recognizing that the intended and realized practices are different from one another and relying upon a set of stated principles will result in ineffective results. Also more attention is being focussed on strategic human resource managements role in mergers and acquisitions. Understanding the human capital investment decision making process, understanding the difference between investments in core and non-core work force, and a better understanding of the diversity of work personnel and their effects on organizations performance are contributing in understanding the strategic human resource management. The challenge is to fill the gap between knowledge that has been identified and break new ground (Lengnick-Hall, M., Lengnick-Hall, C., Andrade, L., and Drake, B., 2009). Two HR systems The human resource management system can be most notably classified in two; traditional, operational and functional aspects comprising the micro or functional system and the strategic system. Complying with business strategy, dealing with mergers and acquisitions, downsizing, international human resource management formed the core of strategic HRM and selection, training, appraisal and compensation constituted the functional HRM (Fisher, 1989). Strengths and limitations of the two HR systems Strength of a Human Resource management lies in the effectiveness of HR policies in practice. The practices that are not efficiently working need to be regularly monitored and modified. The competitive advantage that an organization provides its employees in comparison to the opposition is an important factor that determines the strength of the Human Resource system. Skills and qualifications of the work force and placing right people at the right jobs contribute to a HRMs strengths. In case of strategic HRM, one serious limitation is that the strategic fit is a very good idea but is very difficult in practice. Business strategy being translated into mutually supportive set of human resource practices doesnt happen most of the times (Armstrong, M., 2006). Role of HRM in accomplishing strategic goals Human resources can offer competitive advantage and can be managed strategically. HRM practices differ between different organizations and countries. And researches show that the companies that employed the HR practices of other successful companies failed miserably emphasizing the need for each organization to develop their own HR practices and policies. These HRM practices indirectly affect operational performance through strategic goals. In accomplishing strategic goals of the organization, a human resource manager needs to develop an environment for the employees that is conducive and fosters employees loyalty to the firm (Ahmad, S. and Schroeder, R., 2003). Globalization, de-regulation of markets, varying demands by the customers and investors and constant increase in market competition are becoming the norms for most organizations with the rapidly changing economic environment. The role of HR management can be crucial in improving performance in such an environment. Therefore, the human resources department and function must have as their primary focus a set of properly designed policies that support the organizations strategic and operational goals. But simply instituting the best in class HR systems will not have the desired effect. A properly configures HR system will achieve the desired objective. The leadership of this strategic human resources systems role in organization also reflects in the competition for intellectual leadership in the area (Becker, B., and Gerhart, B., 1996). Strategic human resource practices contribute to the strengthening of competitive advantage of a firm by enabling knowledge development as HR practices develop individual knowledge and skills along with developing the work forces attitudes and behaviours. This along collective changes in human capital and organization environment is strong enough to influence organizational performance and in turn attaining the goals (Birdi, K., Clegg, C., Patterson, M., Robinson, A., Stride, C., Wall, T. and Wood, S., 2008). Functional human resource practices such as recruiting the right person for the right job; empowerment and training enhance employees knowledge of the company and help them exploit it. Also these three human resource practices interact positively with each other resulting in positive outcomes. The adoption of advance manufacturing technology, quality management, supply chain partnering etc. will independently enhance performance of the firm. Management of human capital by the two HRM systems The foundation of a human resource department relies on human capital as the basic source of competitive advantage. The system is characterized by operational excellence and understanding by the HR managers the implications of human capital on the business and their ability to modify the system based on the requirements. The human resource management system that strives to improve an organizations strategic infrastructure is an investment. According to the CFO of Coca Cola, a companys phenomenal market value is largely attributable to its brands and management systems rather than any collection of tangible assets. The strategic importance of human capital has increased significantly owing to the rapid globalization, and the demands for constant innovation in products, the ability of the firm to adapt to the changing trends and its speed and efficiency. The three important elements of value added HR functions include: A management culture and strategy that is supportive and appropriately aligned, human resources system characterized by professional and operational quality, and human resources executives and managers who are effective and human resources function that support the managers. It is proven that with the proper alignment of each of these things, businesses average twenty seven percentage higher gains. And to achieve this building an extraordinary environment at the work place is important. The environment must be characterized by ensuring the employees feel valued, achieving long term business success, ensuring employees feeling of pride in being associated with the firm, emphasizing a sense of camaraderie and team work, enabling opportunities for the employees to reach their personal and professional high points, making the environment fun and exciting. A strong pay performance relationship is also an important characteristic. It elicits a signal that right behaviours and higher performance will reflect on the employees pay check. Some examples of firms operational excellence by proper human capital management by HRMs are: Lucent Monitors report ninety nine percent data entry accuracy in their HRIS (Becker, B. and Huselid, M., 1999). Ninety percent of the customers using their employee services centre have their problems tackled on the first call; Sears indicates significant proficiency at handling higher volume demands efficiently; at Herman Miller, desire to combine HR with the organizations business strategy has resulted in the adopting of worldwide shared services environment by them. Defining of the competencies required is the first step in identifying proper human capital suitable for a particular role. These competencies are then integrated in recruiting and staffing, career development of the staffs and management of their performance. Adaptation of some of the best practices that lead to exceptional performance by organizations include: employment security, good pay, reduced status distinctions, decentralized decision making, selective hiring, extensive information sharing, and extensive training. And the ability to translate HR practices into high performance practices requires several roles by HR managers including: role as an administrative expert, employee champion, and strategic partner. Conclusion Strong human resource management systems can create environments with little ambiguity regarding strategic goals of the organization. Characteristics such as visibility of the HR processes, clarity of the information in the policies, acceptability of the practices, and consistency of the management in applying the policies to employees uniformly, effectiveness of the policies, internal consistency (horizontal fit) and intensity are the basics governing the strength of a human resource management. Organizations that attempt to copy HR policies and practices from successful organizations find those practices from the other firms did not give them the same advantageous results. Employee perception about the human resource practices plays a crucial role between human resource practices and strategic goals. Therefore it is important to manage human resource management practices that do not result in varied perceptions of the employees. The proper description of human resource management c an thus help with a better understanding of the field of strategic human resource development and help formulate the human resource management policies that can impact positively on the performance of an organization. References Marler, J. (2012). Strategic Human Resource Management in Context: A Historical and Global Perspective.Academy of Management Perspectives, 26(2), pp.6-11. Wei, L. (2006). Strategic Human Resource Management: Determinants of Fit,Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 14(2), pp. 49-60. Colbert, B. (2004). The Complex Resource-Based View: Implications for Theory and Practice in Strategic Human Resource Management.The Academy of Management Review, 29(3), p.341. Wright, P. (1992). Theoretical Perspectives for Strategic Human Resource Management.Journal of Management, 18(2), pp.295-320. Boxall, P. and Purcell, J. (2003).Strategy and human resource management. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Armstrong, M. (1999).A handbook of human resource management practice. London: Kogan Page. Delery, J. (1998). Issues of fit in strategic human resource management: Implications for research.Human Resource Management Review, 8(3), pp.289-309. Delery, J. and Doty, D. (1996). Modes of Theorizing In Strategic Human Resource Management: Tests of Universalistic, Contingency, and Configurational Performance Predictions.Academy of Management Journal, 39(4), pp.802-835. Devanna, M., Fombrun, C. and Tichy, N. (1981). Human resources management: A strategic perspective.Organizational Dynamics, 9(3), pp.51-67. Lengnick-hall, C. and Lengnick-hall, M. (1988). Strategic Human Resources Management: A Review of the Literature and a Proposed Typology.Academy of Management Review, 13(3), pp.454-470. Becker, B. and Gerhart, B. (1996). The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance: Progress and Prospects. Academy of Management Journal 39, pp. 779-801. Wright, P., and McMahan, G.C., (1992). Theoretical Perspectives for Strategic Human Resource Management.Journal of Management, 18(2), pp.295-320. Becker, B. and Huselid, M. (1999). Overview: Strategic human resource management in five leading firms.Human Resource Management, 38(4), pp.287-301. Wright, P., and Boswell, W.R., (2002). Desegregating HRM: A Review and Synthesis of Micro and Macro Human Resource Management Research.Journal of Management, 28(3), pp.247-276. Armstrong, M. (2006). Strategic Human Resource Management. London: Kogan Page. Wright, P., Snell, S., and Dyer, L. (2005). New models of strategic HRM in a global context. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(6), 875881. Lengnick-Hall, M., Lengnick-Hall, C., Andrade, L. and Drake, B. (2009). Strategic human resource management: The evolution of the field.Human Resource Management Review, 19(2), pp.64-85. Ahmad, S. and Schroeder, R. (2003). The impact of human resource management practices on operational performance: recognizing country and industry differences.Journal of Operations Management, 21(1), pp.19-43. Birdi, K., Clegg, C., Patterson, M., Robinson, A., Stride, C., Wall, T. And Wood, S. (2008). The Impact of Human Resource and Operational Management Practices on Company Productivity: A Longitudinal Study.Personnel Psychology, 61(3), Pp.467-501. Collings, D. and Mellahi, K. (2009). Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda.Human Resource Management Review, 19(4), pp.304-313.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Research Paper on Human Behavior Essay Example
Research Paper on Human Behavior Essay Human behavior is an ability of a person to change his actions under the influence of internal and external factors, such as culture, emotions, attitudes, values, ethics, rapport, authority, persuasion, hypnosis, genetics, coercion, etc. Human behavior can fall within common, unusual, acceptable, and inacceptable. More generally, it is the way person acts in his personal life depending on various factors including such as faith, social norms, genetics, attitude, etc. Human behavior, in contrast to social behavior, cannot be influenced by other people or be directed at them, therefore, it can be determined as most basic behavior. Its acceptability is determined by norms worked out within society. Human behavior is available for direct observation and thus is the subject of a wide range of sciences, from psychology, psychiatry, sociology, social work, anthropology, economics to behavioral ecology. The roots of the behavioral sciences dates back to antiquity. Questions in psychology and behavior of humans were also considered by Aristotle, Chrysippus, Socrates, and Plato, however, seriously scientific study of human behavior has become possible only with the emergence of the idea of evolution. Modern scientific discipline devoted to the study of human behavior are closely related and overlap in many ways, and the differences in the objects and methods contributes to a more complete disclosure of the essence of the behavior according different positions. There is currently a set of sciences studying human behavior as a multi-disciplinary area. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Human Behavior specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Human Behavior specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Human Behavior specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Psychology studies the human psyche, namely the patterns, characteristics, and development of human mental activity. The subject of the psychology of human behavior is, however, psychology has repeatedly changed the subject of it research throughout the long history of its development. Modern psychology is a science developed, based on the achievements of animal psychology, neurophysiology, and other natural sciences. Human behavior topic can be of a great interest for college and university students, who are about to write their first research paper. This topic regards a very wide question of human behavior and thus is very suitable for the beginners having small or no experience or not enough skills. To write a decent research paper on human behavior, you will need to handle a great volume of information, concerning the chosen topic. It is very important to investigate thoroughly all the various aspect of the phenomenon. Study and find relations within the issue. In addition, you will have to present your own ideas and proposition an the topic research. If there are any problems during the process of preparing, structuring, outlining, and composing your research paper on human behavior, we recommend you to look through free sample research papers on different topics in order to get an idea on how to write a good research paper in college or university. At writing service you can order a custom research paper on Human Behavior topics. Your research paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph.D. and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research paper assistance at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all research paper details: Enjoy our professional research paper writing service! .
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Overcoming Math Anxiety
Overcoming Math Anxiety Math anxiety or fear of math is actually quite common. Math anxiety, like test anxiety is quite similar to stage fright. Why does someone suffer stage fright? Fear of something going wrong in front of a crowd? Fear of forgetting the lines? Fear of being judged poorly? Fear of going completely blank? Math anxiety conjures up fear of some type. The fear that one wont be able to do the math or the fear that its too hard or the fear of failure which often stems from having a lack of confidence. For the most part, math anxiety is the fear about doing the math right, our minds draw a blank and we think well fail and of course the more frustrated and anxious our minds become, the greater the chance for drawing blanks. Added pressure of having time limits on math tests and exams also cause the levels of anxiety grow for many students. Where Does Math Anxiety Come From? Usually math anxiety stems from unpleasant experiences in mathematics. Typically math phobics have had math presented in such a fashion that it led to limited understanding. Unfortunately, math anxiety is often due to poor teaching and poor experiences in math which typically leads to math anxiety. Many of the students Ive encountered with math anxiety have demonstrated an over reliance on procedures in math as opposed to actually understanding the math. When one tries to memorize procedures, rules and routines without much understanding, the math is quickly forgotten and panic soon sets in. Think about your experiences with one concept - the division of fractions. You probably learned about reciprocals and inverses. In other words, Its not yours to reason why, just invert and multiply. Well, you memorized the rule and it works. Why does it work? Do you really understand why it works? Did anyone every use pizzas or math manipulatives to show you why it works? If not, you simply memo rized the procedure and that was that. Think of math as memorizing all the procedures - what if you forget a few? Therefore, with this type of strategy, a good memory will help, but, what if you dont have a good memory. Understanding the math is critical. Once students realize they can do the math, the whole notion of math anxiety can be overcome. Teachers and parents have an important role to ensure students understand the math being presented to them. Myths and Misconceptions None of the following is true! Youre born with a math gene, either you get it or you dont.Math is for males, females never get math!Its hopeless, and much too hard for average people.If the logical side of your brain isnt your strength, youll never do well in math.Math is a cultural thing, my culture never got it!Theres only one right way to do math. Overcoming Math Anxiety A positive attitude will help. However, positive attitudes come with quality teaching for understanding which often isnt the case with many traditional approaches to teaching mathematics.Ask questions, be determined to understand the math. Dont settle for anything less during instruction. Ask for clear illustrations and or demonstrations or simulations.Practice regularly, especially when youre having difficulty. Take good notes or use journals effectively.When total understanding escapes you, hire a tutor or work with peers that understand the math. You can do the math, sometimes it just take a different approach for you to understand some of the concepts.Dont just read over your notes - do the math. Practice the math and make sure you can honestly state that you understand what you are doing.Be persistent and dont over emphasize the fact that we all make mistakes. Remember, some of the most powerful learning stems from making a mistake. Learn from mistakes. Find out more about the myths of doing math and you too will overcome math anxiety. And, if you think making mistakes is a bad thing, look again. Sometimes the most powerful learning stems from making mistakes. Find out how to learn from your mistakes. You might also want to find out what the 3 most common errors in math are and review the remedies to overcome them.
Monday, February 24, 2020
About an American History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
About an American History - Assignment Example (Zinn) During 19th century, the role of women were also being redefined under the religious code wherein women were required to be pious and has a separate and defined role in the family. Sexual purity of women was considered as important and it was believed that men by virtue of their biological nature can sin however; women were not considered as prone to sin and were dealt very strictly under the new religious interpretation regarding the role of women. The prevailing vision was that the women should be limited to the home, marriage and mother hood and women were mostly limited to the nursing and teaching as their chosen profession. (Tindall and Shi) Women were able to cope with the new realities in different manner and by developing close family bondage with other family members. Women were also involved in relatively higher disorderly acts as compared to men especially in slavery conditions. Harriet Tubman was one woman who was able to not only gain freedom but was also successful in helping other women to get free and was active in the Underground Railroad. (Johnson) The westward movement of whites during 19th century witnessed a series of clashes as well as reconciliation efforts with the Indians. This expansion was achieved through extensive support from the government and the role of Jefferson remained important as he continued to force the expansion of whites in areas such as Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other parts of the country. (Zinn) The Westward expansion was also the result of the devastation caused by the war as well as the advancements in the agriculture. The civil war reconstruction coupled with greed and passion for profits further resulted into the westward expansion and systematic extinction of Indians in the West of the country. (Johnson). Due to the geographic nature of the area around the Mississippi river, the area presented a more profitable opportunity for merchants to engage into the
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Risk Management in a Corperate Retail Store Research Paper
Risk Management in a Corperate Retail Store - Research Paper Example In the final portion of the paper, the researcher identifies important methods of dealing with the issues in JCPenney. This is done through an application of methods and systems of retail risk management and corporate governance. The paper recommends that the management of JCPenney need to re-examine the controls and the risk management system of the supermarket. This should lead to the formulation of alternative systems and strategies for the prevention and control of risks in the supermarket. Retail management is defined by Berman and Evans as â€Å"the art and science of bringing the ultimate consumer a product through a series of stages which are coordinated through a set of defined objectives and strategies†(2009 p1). Retail management therefore entails all the necessary steps that a shop or store goes through to ensure that consumers get products that they desire. However, retail management is a conscious process that involves certain activities and steps that provides optimal services for consumers (Berman and Evans, 2009 p1). This means that for retail management to succeed, there should be a clearly defined end which will be attained through a deliberate and conscious effort to attain that end. 5. Alignment: all stakeholder needs, ranging from shareholders quests for higher profits and the wider societys desire for healthy lives and environmental responsiveness should be aligned to the activities of a retail venture. This therefore means that retail management is intertwined with numerous activities and plans that enables the ends and objectives of the company to be actualized. Management of retail ventures is described as both an art and a science. This therefore means that it is about how to attain stated objectives through rules, regulations and other competencies. 1. Supply chain management and channel distribution: this involves the sourcing of goods from wholesalers or producers and getting them to the final
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Contingencies to Airasias Marketing Strategy Essay Example for Free
Contingencies to Airasias Marketing Strategy Essay Suggest three contingencies AirAsia should consider and rationalize your choice. What are the main modifications to the current marketing strategy should AirAsia undertake to respond to these contingencies. There are number of threats that AirAsia faces thus it should have well-prepared contingency plans in case certain situations occur. The following part focuses on analyzing three main contingencies that AirAsia should take into consideration as well as the modifications to the current marketing strategy that it would have to make to respond in case certain events occur. What if price war happens To compete with the rivals, each airline introduced its own strategy. Famous full service carriers like Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways have set up low cost subsidiaries. Malaysia Airlines launched competitive promotion scheme while independent low-cost airlines like Valuair focused on improving customer services through offering additional benefits to customers. Obviously, the harsh competitiveness in the region strengthens the probability that price war might happen. Price war happens when almost all airline companies simultaneously start to reduce their prices and the region’s aviation industry as a whole fails to deliver profit. Price war might have a serious impact on AirAsia if it, together with other airlines in the region, starts to reduce its prices to compete. Customers now will have various choices and would be able to switch to the airlines that offer them the best price as well as best service. If price war does happen, AirAsia should make the following modification to its current strategy: Increase customer satisfaction by improving on-flight service quality as discussed in depth in the third paragraph of question one. What if customers decide to switch to other airlines Air Asia now has to face up with increasing competition not only from low cost subsidiaries of full service carries but also from the emergence of independent low cost airlines. With the increasing emergence of new airlines which provide customers with not only low fares but also â€Å"a level of service far beyond that expected†, the probability that customers switch to other airlines is very high. Recently, AirAsia has been receiving many complaints from passengers who are unsatisfied with the service quality. Focusing intensively on keeping costs low, AirAsia neglected the satisfaction and convenience of its customers. Thus, the company should consider the possibility that customers might switch to other airlines. In this case the following modifications to the strategy should be made: AirAsia should offer incentives for the customers to stay with the company by introducing frequent flyer bonus miles. To motivate customers’, AirAsia can also offer membership cards which would provide them not only with additional miles but also with regular customers’ discount on specific flights to specific destinations or at special period of time. What if AirAsia is unsuccessful in entering new markets such as China and India†¦ AirAsia is now looking for expanding routes to other countries in the region and China and India are a huge potential. However, these markets have completely different economies and therefore there is a probability that the market will not support a new airline. Also, for example, when going to China – a huge market, AirAsia needs to be ready to face tough competition. Besides good reputation in the market, well-established airlines in China such as China Airline, Cathay Pacific, etc. are offering very high quality service to customer. In addition to that in the meantime, AirAsia has to compete with many tough competitors in its local market. Thus, there is possibility that AirAsia might not take the lead when entering new markets and might not be able to reach its targets in new markets. Therefore, AirAsia should take into account the possibility of low demand and be ready to make modifications to its strategy in order to respond: The Olympic Games 2008 would be a great opportunity for AirAsia to strengthen its image in customers’ mind. To take this advantage, AirAsia should organize some activities to promote the company. Other big companies will certainly promote itself through taking part in such activities as Olympic Sponsorship, On-Air advertisement, etc. AirAsia should choose a different tactic. Instead, it can create association between AirAsia and the Olympic through programs spread via mass media such as: design logo for AirAsia used during the Olympic time or organize a lottery program the prizes of which would be Olympic tickets or flying tickets inside China. AirAsia can also use other promotion programs like offering round trip tickets flying to cities where the Games would take place at the price of 1 reminbi (Chinese currency) for the first 10 customers buying tickets at a random period of time during 6 months before the Olympics. This should help build up the demand for AirAisa’ services among the customers and enhance its position in customers’ mind. To conclude, it is important for AirAsia to be aware of all contingencies that may happen during its operations and to be ready to apply modifications to the strategy to protect itself from any possible issues that might occur. These contingencies may not come to reality but it is essential to have contingency plans and to be able to make necessary modifications to the strategy in case of the price war, or lost of the customers, or difficulties entering the new markets in order to adapt to these changes and continue to operate successfully.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Speech Recognition Software :: Essays Papers
Speech Recognition Software Wouldn't it be nice to talk normally to our computers, just as we've seen the characters in "Star Trek" do? Of course, the computers in "Star Trek" understand what you're saying, and that's still a long way off. Tecnology has been advancing at astonishing rates, developing new software for a better interaction computer – human. For example Dragon Systems' NaturallySpeaking is the first continuous-speech voice-recognition program designed for general dictation Until now, most voice-recognition programs supported discrete speech. Examples include Dragon Dictate, Kurzweil Voice, and IBM's Simply Speaking and VoiceType. These work well in special circumstances. But. You. Have. To. Speak. Like. This. Good enough IBM's soon-to-be-released Via Voice different is that they offer large-vocabulary, continuous-speech recognition. Their promise is that you can speak normally and the program will understand what you say. These programs are designed to replace dictation machines and give you hands-free typing. Seeing this In NaturallySpeaking, the app writes the words you speak, and you can save what you've spoken as an .RTF file or copy the material to the Clipboard and an application. You can even edit your text within that application by speaking specific phrases. Saying phrases like "select word" or "spell that" is cumbersome and more time-consuming than editing by hand, but it does allow hands-free use of the program. Ideally, it could be combined with a speech-synthesis program that would verbally prompt you for information. But the real breakthroughs are farther off, when the programs can better differentiate the context of what you are saying. Even then, that doesn't mean the computer will understand what you mean. That's just science fiction. But having it recognize words as you speak them is a big step forward. Dragon has added some new dictation and editing capabilities not found in its previous product, DragonDictate. You can spell words by saying the letters instead of using the alpha-bravo alphabet. Voice macros enable you to add long phrases to documents by speaking shorter ones. To aid postdictation editing, its new select-and-say feature highlights a word or phrase anywhere in the document if you say, "Select [word or phrase]." Typically, you'll have to edit your document after you dictate it; if you wish to edit your file orally, you have to learn the appropriate voice commands. Once you have installed the software it is important that you go through the speech training consisting on two parts. The first part, an informative dictation trainer, stepped me through both a basic and dictation training session.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Educational Distinction between US and Bangladesh Essay
Hello everyone, I am here to present a paper on the educational distinction between the USA and Bangladesh. Education is one of the most important tools today, and it is education that would change the future of the country and of the world. Let me read you an interesting poem on education by Randy Johnson first, a poem that states clearly what exactly an educational system must achieve in an individual’s life: â€Å"If you want to succeed, go to college and get a degree. Study hard and make good grades, that is the key. Nothing spells success like a good education. You can be a doctor or President of a corporation. If you want to be a success, an education is what you’ll need. A person who is educated will be far more likely to succeed. †As we all know, the American education system offers its students one of the most varied set of options available anywhere in the world; one would be able to choose to study anything at all that interests him or her, right from art and music to rocket science and nuclear physics. At an average, an American child is required to start school at the age of five, which is when he joins kindergarten, after which he progresses through consecutive grades and reaches secondary school level. After the student attains his High School Diploma, he can enter the College or University of his choice, where he would be awarded either an Associate’s Degree or a Bachelor’s Degree. He can progress towards a Master’s degree, and thereafter towards a PhD. (American Education System 2007) Secondly, I would like to say that it would help to remember that America is considered a free society, with equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their gender, cultural and religious or even sexual orientation, and their ethnicity. I will now compare this state of affairs with those in Bangladesh. According to the past United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, â€Å"Bangladesh is the basket case of the world. †He meant that Bangladesh was one of the poorest countries in the world at the time, 1972, where more people than not live below the poverty line, even today. This crowded city is constantly battered by natural disasters such as floods, famine and drought, and experts state that education in the country would automatically help to improve productivity and to further the economic growth of the country. Education is therefore the key to development and to change in the dismal conditions in the country. The World Bank has loaned significant amounts of money to the government of Bangladesh so that conditions may be improved and the country’s people may broaden their horizons through education, that most essential tool to growth and development. In Bangladesh most private schools offer English as the medium of instruction. However, private schools are often unaffordable for the poorer classes, and therefore, the masses learn in Bengali, the state language. Private school students are expected to complete their A-levels to enter a College or University of their choice, while others must write their Matriculation to complete school. The homeless hundreds in Bangladesh are offered educational instruction by Madrassas, where priests teach them the ways of Islam. At the end, the students are expected to become either priests or other Islamic religious figures. (Education in Bangladesh n. d) Third, let us examine the state of education in America. However, Robert Reich, a Professor of socio and economic policy at Brandeis University has stated that America is fast on its way to ‘marketing’ its higher education, a dangerous trend, in which education is starting to resemble any other professional service industry, in which an ‘investment’ is made, and returns expected from that investment. To compound the problem, certain expensive ‘brands’ of education are becoming available only to those elite who can actually afford them, thereby denying the same to those who lack the funds to pay for the education. Shouldn’t education be freely available to all those who need it? (Reich, Robert 2004) In Bangladesh, the problem is that education in the English language is not available to everyone who may want it and this at a time when English is being recognized worldwide as one of the most important skills that an individual may need in the workplace. The BBC World Service Trust has launched an initiative in the country, wherein the language becomes accessible to hundreds and thousands of Bangladeshis, so that these people may be able to play a more important role in the social and economic development of their country. (Howie, Caroline n. d) As Choudhury puts it, Bangladesh seems to be slowly but inexorably moving towards a military rule, what with plenty of anti-American and anti-West sentiments being aroused by the nation’s leaders. Moriarty, a US diplomat working in Bangladesh, says that if one were to hope to improve the ties between Bangladesh and America, then one must make concerted efforts to accelerate the development of the ‘three Ds’, that is, democracy, development and denying space to terrorism. If the issue of education were to take precedence over these problems, then there is no reason why the country cannot progress in leaps and bounds, to stay at par with the developments in the rest of the world. (Salah Uddin Sohaib Choudhury 2008) Finally, let me compare America and Bangladesh in terms of education, and see where both stand. As one educationist put it, investing money and resources in children’s future is neither a luxury, nor can it be considered a choice, be it in the United States of America, or in Bangladesh, or anywhere else in the world. Take the example set by America: a hundred years ago, it was decided that every child born on American soil must complete his or her high school education, and about forty years ago, an order was passed to make sure that every American child would enjoy the chance to enter the College or University of his choice. The ‘No Child left Behind Act’ passed by President Bush has been one of the groundbreaking policies ever passed, and quite a lot of hard work has gone in to make sure that no child is indeed left behind, or deprived of the education that is his birthright. In Bangladesh, although it is true that students have the choice of attending world class schools, it is almost certain that only the elite and the wealthy would have a chance to enroll in these schools, leaving the rest far behind to attend either Bengali schools or schools run by Madrassas that teach in Arabic. Out of these, about 15% Bangladeshi children do not even get a chance to enter primary school, while even less are able to complete their higher education. As a matter of fact, even the teachers in schools seem ill equipped or even trained to teach, no matter what the medium of instruction may be. It is the widely held belief that collaborative efforts must be initiated if changes are to brought in, and this is the reason why agencies like USAID have stepped in with new teaching methods and materials designed to make learning fun and interesting for Bangladeshi children. We can hope that things will improve in Bangladesh, and that Bangladeshi children, and also American children, will be better equipped to face the challenges of today with greater strength and courage than before. (Hafez, Khoda 2004) As Bill Beattie put it, â€Å"The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think – rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men. †I would like to conclude with this small quote on education that clearly explains what education must and should be all about. Thank you!
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Court Comparison Contrast Paper - 625 Words
CJA 224 Week 2 Learning Team B Assignment Court Comparison Contrast Paper States and federal court system State The state court system is diverse and each state has its own judiciaries. The state has organized systems of courts and special court groups. Inferior courts are the lowest level of state courts that includes municipal, magistrate, police, and county, justice of the peace, and traffic courts, sometimes informal with minor civil and criminal cases. Superior court handles serious offenses known as state district court, circuit courts, and many others. Superior courts are by counties, hear appeals from inferior courts, have jurisdiction on major civil suits, serious crimes, and the nations jury trials occur.†¦show more content†¦The next is the district courts, the United Stated courts of appeals, superior to one or more district courts composed of 11 judicial courts established in 1891 by Congress throughout 50 states with six to 27 judges in each. Courts of appeal have jurisdiction in cases involving challenges of orders of a federal regulatory agency as Securities and Exchange Commission (Columbial Electonic Encyclopedia, n.d). The supreme court of the United States is the highest court of the federal system, mandated by the Constitution since 1869 composed of a chief justice and eight associate justices located in Washington, DC in hearing all final jurisdictions on cases. This court may review decisions from the United States courts of appeal and also choose to hear appeals from the state appellate courts if a federal constitutional issue is involved, possessing the original jurisdiction on limited cases involving high-ranking diplomats from other nations or between two states. Other federal judiciary have group of courts to handle limited types of disputes, including special federal court of court of court of federal claims on monetary claims with Tax Courts and the United States government. Special court judges do not serve for life. Courts-martial for cases in the military are handled by the United StatesShow MoreRelated Technology and Science Unite: Solving Crimes Essay984 Words  | 4 Pages The focus of this paper will be on the development of forensics in the criminal justice profession, both past and present. The main focus will be on the roll technology has played in the updating and improvements in the field of DNA study, fingerprinting, and the newest concern of forensic teams, computer crimes. All levels of law enforcement depend on the technological improvements in forensics in one form or another. 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